What part of speech follows the article
When I become excellent
2021-12-28 14:18:08
The article can only be placed in front of the noun to help explain the person or thing that the noun refers to. It is the smallest category in the English part of speech. There are only three, one is the indefinite article, the other is the definite article. In addition, there are also some special occasions where articles are not used, that is, the so-called zero article.
Articles are divided into three types: indefinite articles a, an, definite article the and zero article. Zero article refers to the situation where no article is used. The definite article is used to define that the noun after the article is a specific thing. The indefinite article is used to indicate that the noun after the article refers to one of a certain class of specific things, but it does not matter which one is.
Article grammar:
1. A is used before the word at the beginning of a consonant sound. An is used before the word that begins with a vowel sound.
2. It refers to the person or thing mentioned above.
3. Use the definite article in front of the unique thing in the world.
4. The is used in ordinal words, nouns and adjectives indicating position before the superlative.
5. Add the before the plural surname to indicate a family member, which is often regarded as the plural.
6. The definite article the is often used in prepositional phrases.
7. There are several aspects in which the definite article the cannot be used: the article is not used before festivals, weeks, months, seasons, years, etc. Three meals a day and ball games are not used before articles. In some fixed phrases.
Inquisitive education
2021-12-28 14:18:08