The Character Image of the Hometown Yang Ersao
Smile to greet
2021-12-28 14:51:05
Hometown: The character image of Yang Ersao: Yang Ersao is a funny, angry, hateful and pathetic person. In her life, she has only developed a "thin lip" and "eloquence", but her face is rapidly aging, leaving only a "protruding cheekbones", without the charm of that year. Her posture is also unnatural. She pretends to be arrogant. In fact, she has lost her self-confidence and pride, but she hopes others will look up to her. Respect her.
Extract from the original text:
I was startled and looked up quickly, only to see a woman in her fifties standing in front of me with protruding cheekbones and thin lips, her hands resting between her legs, without tying her skirt, and her feet open, just like a compass with thin feet in a drawing instrument.
I was shocked.
"Don't you know me? I once hugged you!"
I was even more shocked. Fortunately, my mother came in and said:
"He has been away for many years, but he forgot it. You should remember," he said to me. "This is Mrs. Yang, who runs a tofu shop across the street."
Hometown is a short story written by modern litterateur Lu Xun in 1921. Based on the activities of "I" returning to my hometown as a clue, according to the plot arrangement of "returning to my hometown" - "in my hometown" - "leaving my hometown", and according to what I have seen, heard, recalled and felt, the novel focuses on the characters of Runtu and Yang Ersister-in-law, thus reflecting the reality of rural bankruptcy and farmers' painful life before and after the 1911 Revolution; At the same time, it profoundly pointed out that due to the influence of the traditional ideas of the feudal society, the mental shackles of the laboring masses caused the distortion of pure human nature, resulting in indifference and estrangement between people, and expressed the author's strong dissatisfaction with reality and strong desire to transform the old society and create a new life. The novel was selected into the junior middle school Chinese, the ninth grade of People's Education Press (Volume I).
Inquisitive education
2021-12-28 14:51:05