How to check radicals for words
Roses in the wrong season
2022-03-25 14:00:05
The word "word" can be found by using the radical search method. Yan (pinyin: y á n) is a common standard first level Chinese character (commonly used). This word was first seen in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty. Its original meaning is generally believed to be speaking, which extends to the words said, or the words or sentences said or written. These meanings also exist in the sememes of words such as "speech and speech".
Speech is one of the radicals of Chinese characters. When words are used as the left side, they are reduced to "". There are three main types of words used as ideographs:
1. It refers to speech acts, such as speech, talking, saying, reciting and swearing.
2. Virtues related to words, such as sincerity, understanding, deceit and modesty.
3. Names related to speech, such as poems, words and ballads.
The word "Yan" has different configurations and original meanings. One view is that it is a matter indicating character, whose shape is formed by adding a distinguishing symbol "one" to the upper part of the word "tongue". "Tongue" and "speech" are closely related, just as "knife" and "blade" are closely related, both of them use the way of adding distinguishing symbols to create the characters that refer to events. In the Warring States Period, one horizontal line on the tongue became two horizontal lines, like the tongue shaped part separated from the "mouth", and the Qubi gradually became a straight pen. The evolution of the script of Qin and Chu characters is basically the same, and they are similar to the Han script. Xiaozhuan is a standard style, which has always maintained the writing method of "tongue".
Inquisitive education
2022-03-25 14:00:05