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Audio and video QoS collection: WebRTC congestion control+smooth transmission+packet loss retransmission

This course includes three major technologies of WebRTC weak network optimization: congestion control/bandwidth estimation technology GCC, smooth transmission technology pacer, packet loss retransmission technology nack. The course adopts a theoretical+practical approach, gradually iterates, advances step by step, and cooperates with experimental tests. What you see is what you get.



thirty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-four

Human learning

Total course duration


Lecturer rating: 5.0

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Phase I: in-depth analysis and implementation of WebRTC smooth transmission technology

1 course twenty-one thousand one hundred and eighty

Master the WebRTC smooth transmission technology pacer to avoid packet loss caused by a large number of data packets sent to the network in a short time and affect the real-time communication quality

Phase II: in-depth analysis and implementation of WebRTC congestion control technology

1 course one hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and eighty

At this stage, master the congestion control and bandwidth estimation technology gcc of WebRTC, and be able to dynamically adjust the code rate according to the user's network conditions to reduce the stuck rate

The third stage: in-depth analysis and implementation of WebRTC packet loss retransmission technology

1 course thirteen thousand nine hundred and twenty

This course master the packet loss retransmission technology of WebRTC, design an excellent packet loss retransmission strategy for network packet loss, and improve the anti packet loss ability of real-time communication.

Audio and video QoS collection: WebRTC congestion control+smooth transmission+packet loss retransmission data download

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