
intended for

  • IT practitioners
  • Software Development Engineer
  • Computer major students
  • Transformation and promotion of professionals
  • Self improvement of technology lovers
About Instructor
 avatar Liu Yue

Course: zero student: zero
CEO of Jiuqiu Education, who has taught in colleges and universities for more than ten years, has rich experience in classroom teaching. Best seller author, representative works: Illustrated Cangjie Programming: Basic Chapter, Illustrated Cangjie Programming: Advanced Chapter, Quick Start of Cangjie Programming, Hongmeng Native Application Development: Quick Start of ArkTS Language.
Course content

Phase I

Hongmeng Application Development HCIA Certification (1)

Systematically learn the technical knowledge points of Huawei Hongmeng application development HCIA certification, and win the HCIA certification of Huawei Hongmeng application development

  •  course-pic

    Hongmeng Application Development HCIA Certification Super Detailed Lecture (1) Introduction

    In order to help you learn Hongmeng application development systematically and efficiently, especially those who want to pass Huawei HCIA certification, I carefully recorded this series of video courses. This series of courses will closely follow the exam outline of HCIA certification, and explain all exam points in great detail. This series of courses is divided into four seasons in total. Through the study of the first quarter, we can get a smooth introduction to Hongmeng application development and lay a solid foundation. The second season mainly introduces thread operation, various database operations, the other two of the three Abilities, and the core technologies related to Hongmeng distribution
    26 class hours · 3 hours and 6 minutes 153938 people study five Updated 2021/07/20
    Course outline
    Course outline

    Phase II

    Interpretation of HCIA Certification Examination Syllabus for Hongmeng Application Development

    Understand the examination process and relevant materials of Hongmeng application development HCIA certification, and prepare for obtaining Hongmeng application development HCIA certification

    Phase III

    Hongmeng application development HCIA certification simulation question 1 practice every day

    One HCIA certification simulation question for Hongmeng application development every day

    Data download
    Download the materials of Hongmeng Application Development HCIA certification thematic course
    Interpretation of HCIA Certification Examination Syllabus for Hongmeng Application Development 1 data
    Data name file size
    Outline Interpretation&Official Data 107.02M
    Hongmeng Application Development HCIA Certification Super Detailed Lecture (1) Introduction 1 data
    Data name file size
    Course source code 6.51M
    Hongmeng application development HCIA certification simulation question 1 practice every day 8 materials
    Data name file size
    HCIA_Exercise1 1.28M
    HCIA_Exercise2 1.26M
    HCIA_Exercise6 450.12KB
    HCIA_Exercise7 449.68KB
    HCIA_Exercise8 1.28M
    HCIA_Exercise9 454.06KB
    HCIA_Exercise14 97.92KB
    HCIA_Exercise17 3.11M
    Student evaluation

    {{ starInfo.score }}

    {{total>999? '999+': total}} student scores
    • {{ tag.tagname }} {{ tag.num > 99 ? '99+' : tag.num }}
    •  avatar
      • {{ tag.tagname }}
      {{item. content | | 'The user has not filled in the evaluation content'}}
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