1-37 Full course

Including 1-37 sets of true test question bank for all Word, Excel and PPT parts



three hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred and eighty-one

Human learning

Total course duration

Duan Wenbin

Lecturer rating: 5.0

Watch for a long time
Systematic learning
Course content Q&A

Stage I: Word learning stage

3 courses sixty-three thousand two hundred and forty

Assault 1-37 sets of Word real questions

Stage II: Excel learning stage

3 courses sixty-two thousand and one hundred

Assault 1-37 sets of real Excel questions

Stage 3: PPT learning stage

3 courses fifty-three thousand two hundred and eighty

Assault 1-37 sets of PPT real questions

  • National Computer Level II MS Office Advanced Application Test -- PPT

    31 sections 8 hours and 40 minutes
    Course objectives:
    This set of courses will lead you to learn the true examination question bank of the computer level two exam in detail. In combination with the contents of the question bank, we will explain some important knowledge points and common functions of PPT in Office2010 in detail. As long as you carefully study this set of courses, you can learn the knowledge of PPT.

    Course outline

      Free trial

    • New question bank (5 sets) of National Computer Rank Examination in March 2018 ------ PPT

      6 sections 3 hours and 40 minutes
      Course objectives:
      With regard to PPT, the difficulty of the exam is increasing year by year, the content is complex, and the knowledge points are trivial. So through this course, you can understand the changes of the new exam questions and grasp the key and difficult points of the exam. This set of videos records 5 sets of PPT operation questions newly added to CET II in August 2018. Each set of questions corresponds to 1 video, a total of 5

      Course outline

        Free trial

      • New question bank of National Computer Rank Examination in September 2018 (3 sets) - PPT

        4 sections 2 hours 28 minutes
        Course objectives:
        The new PPT questions have not changed much. The setting of complex animations and the modification of the master will be examined as important knowledge points in the future.

        Course outline

          Free trial

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