
intended for

  • C language beginner
  • Software Development Engineer
  • Computer major students
  • Programming enthusiasts
  • Technical improvement personnel
About Instructor
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Gold medal lecturer of China Soft International, 8 years of embedded development experience, author of Deep Analysis of C Language Kernel. Specializing in: MCU, embedded, Java/Android,C++/QT。 With large enterprise level project research and development experience and rich teaching experience, the lectures are clear and easy to understand.
Course content

Phase I

C Compile and link

The detailed process of compiling link, the structure of compiler, the format of object file, the memory structure of c program, etc.

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    In depth Analysis of C Chapter 1 Compiling and Linking Video Tutorial

    Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. 1. Similarities and differences between IDE and source file development methods 2 Detailed compilation process 3. Composition of compiler collection 4 gcc -v, Detailed analysis of compilation information 5. Introduction to relocatable object file (. o) format 6 What did symbol parsing and relocation do when linker linked? 7 Format of executable object file, loading and execution of executable object file 8 The program memory structure describes how code and data (constants, variables) are stored in the program memory structure
    26 class hours · 9 hours 47 minutes 43539 people study five Updated on March 13, 2019
    Course outline
    Course outline

    Phase II

    C precompile

    Macro definition, conditional compilation, code cross platform, special precompiled keywords, predefined macros, header file inclusion, etc.

    Phase III

    Storage class, life cycle, scope, link domain

    Review c memory image, storage class and auto/static/register keyword, instruction/constant/variable life cycle, variable and function scope, link domain and extern/static, etc.

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      Chapter 3 Storage Class, Life Cycle, Scope, and Link Domain in Deep Analysis of C

      Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. (1) Review c memory image under Linux (2) Storage class and auto, static, register keywords (3) Life cycle of instructions, constants, variables (4) Scope of variables and functions (5) Meaning of declaration of link domain and extern, static keywords (6)
      8 class hours · 1 hour 54 minutes 4532 people study five Updated on August 27, 2018
      Course outline
      Course outline

      Phase IV

      Pointer and function

      Pointer type, primary and multi-level, wild pointer and segment error, void *, const and pointer, function call, callback function and function pointer array, pointer and parameter transfer, recursive function, inline function, etc.

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        Chapter 4 Pointer and Function Video Tutorial of C Deep Analysis

        Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. Contents of this chapter: 1 Storage space, symbol, address 2 Pointer 3 Pointer type 4 Primary pointer and multi-level pointer 5 Bad pointer and segment error 6 Void * Pointer type 7 Const and pointer 8 Function pointer 9 Function call - stack usage 10 Application example of function pointer -- callback function and function pointer array 12 Pointer and function parameter transfer 13 Recursive function 14. Inline function
        23 class hours · 7 hours and 13 minutes 17560 people study five Updated on September 19, 2018
        Course outline
        Course outline

        Phase V

        Make C library and c standard library

        The working principle of library, the basic introduction of static library and dynamic library, the production of static library and dynamic library under linux, the production of static library and dynamic library under windows, the composition structure of c standard library, etc.

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          Chapter 5 of C Deep Analysis: Making C Library and C Standard Library Group

          Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. Contents of this chapter: 1 How to reuse the code of common functions 2 Principle of library 3. Trailer of library file 4 Basic Introduction to Static Library 5. Basic Introduction to Dynamic Library 6 Compare dynamic library with static library 7. Difficulties in implementing library 8 Making and Using Static Library and Dynamic Library 8.1 Basic Methods of Making and Using 8.2 Linux Command Line Mode 8.2.1 Making and Using Static Library 8.2.2 Making and Using Dynamic Library 8.3 IDE Mode 8.3.1 Making and Using Static Library 8.3.2
          15 class hours · 4 hours 56 minutes 7299 people study five Updated on November 5, 2018
          Course outline
          Course outline

          Phase VI

          Array, string

          Array overview, one bit array, two-dimensional array, multi-dimensional array, use malloc to create multi bit array, string, pointing to the formal parameters of variable/string/array and sizeof, main function, etc.

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            Deep Analysis of C Language Chapter 6 - Array and String Video Course

            Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. Contents of this chapter: 1. Overview of arrays 1.1 Why do we need arrays 1.2 Relationship between arrays and ordinary variables 1.3 One dimensional arrays and multidimensional arrays 2. One dimensional arrays 2.1 Cases of using one dimensional arrays 2.2 Memory structure of one dimensional arrays 2.3 Definition of arrays 2.4 How to give values to one dimensional arrays 2.5 Access to one dimensional arrays 2.6 Parameter transfer of one dimensional arrays 2.7 Pointer arrays and array pointers 3 Two dimensional array 3.1 Why do we need two dimensional array 3.2 Definition form of two dimensional array 3.2
            24 class hours · 8 hours and 37 minutes 10559 people study five Updated on September 25, 2018
            Course outline
            Course outline

            Stage 7

            Structure, Consortium, Enumeration

            Structure initialization/value assignment/parameter transfer, structure alignment, structure encapsulation function pointer and code hierarchy, common body, enumeration, etc.

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              Chapter 7 of Deep Analysis of C Language - Structure, Consortium, Enumeration Video Course

              Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. Contents of this chapter: 1 Structure 1.1 Why do you need structure 1.2 Compare the object-oriented characteristics of c, c++, and java 1.3 Define structure variables 1.4 Give values to structure variables 1.5 Members of structure variables Access 1.6 Alignment of structure members (1) Default alignment (2) # pragma pack (n) Manual alignment (3) __attribute__ ((aligned (n)), __attribute__ ((pack))
              14 class hours · 4 hours 48 minutes 9146 people study five Updated on October 22, 2018
              Course outline
              Course outline

              Stage 8

              Miscellaneous - knowledge that cannot be organized independently in c language

              Automatic type conversion, large and small end order, comma expression, typedef, byte/word/half word/bit width, compiler optimization, extern "C", program debugging, variable parameter function/variable parameter macro, the magic of do {} while (0), c embedded assembly, assertion, etc.

              Stage 9

              Bit operations and standard IO functions

              Micro operations:&, |,~, ^, standard IO functions: fopen, fclose, fscanf, scanf, fgetc, getc, getcha, fgets, gets, freader and other standard IO caching problems.

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                Chapter 9 of Deep Analysis of C Language - Bit Operation and c Standard IO Library Video Course

                Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. Contents of this chapter 1. Bit operation (bit operation) 1.1 What is bit operation and what is its significance 1.2 Can you perform "bit operation" on floating point numbers 1.3&, |, ^ and&&| |! Difference between 1.4&(bit and) 1.5 | (bit or) 1.6~(bit inversion) 1.7 ^ (exclusive OR) 1.8 (right shift) 1.10 bit operation practice 1.11 macro and bit operation 2 C standard IO function 2.1 What is IO2.2 standard IO and file IO2.4 standard IO and file
                16 class hours · 5 hours and 38 minutes 5237 people study five Updated on October 29, 2018
                Course outline
                Course outline

                Phase I Zero

                C Additional knowledge - multithreading, network programming

                Multi threading, network programming, database, data structure, sequence list, linked list overview, single linked list, double linked list, queue and stack, Linux kernel linked list, etc.

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                  Additional knowledge of c in Chapter 10 of C Deep Analysis

                  Click the "Jiajia" icon on the right to view all courses. Contents of this chapter 1. Multithreading 2 Network programming 3. Database 4 Data structure 5. Sequence table 6 Linked list 7. Single linked list 8 Double linked list 9. Queue and stack 10 Linux kernel linked list
                  20 class hours · 7 hours and 30 minutes 8169 people study five Updated on November 2, 2018
                  Course outline
                  Course outline
                  Data download
                  Download the materials of the topic "Deep Analysis of C Language"
                  In depth Analysis of C Chapter 1 Compiling and Linking Video Tutorial 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  1. C Compilation and linking process 148.30KB
                  In depth Analysis of C, Chapter II C Precompilation - Video tutorial on macro definition, conditional compilation, header file inclusion, and special precompiled keywords 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  2. C precompile 144.86KB
                  Chapter 3 Storage Class, Life Cycle, Scope, and Link Domain in Deep Analysis of C 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  3. C precompile 32.96KB
                  Deep Analysis of C Language Chapter 6 - Array and String Video Course 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  6. Array and string 76.87KB
                  In depth Analysis of C Language Chapter 7 - Structure, Consortium, Enumeration Video Course 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  7. Structure, Consortium, Enumeration 58.79KB
                  Chapter 8 of Deep Analysis of C Language - Miscellaneous video courses (automatic type conversion, big and small end order, variable parameter function, compiler optimization, assertion, etc.) 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  8. Miscellaneous - knowledge that cannot be separated into chapters in c language 94.74KB
                  Chapter 9 of Deep Analysis of C Language - Bit Operation and c Standard IO Library Video Course 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  9. Bit operations and standard IO functions 68.45KB
                  Additional knowledge of c in Chapter 10 of C Deep Analysis 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  Courseware 22.55KB
                  Chapter 4 Pointer and Function Video Tutorial of C Deep Analysis 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  4. Pointer and function 85.88KB
                  Chapter 5 of C Deep Analysis: Making C Library and C Standard Library Group 1 data
                  Data name file size
                  5. Create C library and c standard library 59.82KB
                  Student evaluation

                  {{ starInfo.score }}

                  {{total>999? '999+': total}} student scores
                  • {{ tag.tagname }} {{ tag.num > 99 ? '99+' : tag.num }}
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