
intended for

  • Computer major students
  • Software Development Engineer
  • Embedded system enthusiasts
  • IT industry transformation personnel
  • Programming language learners
About Instructor
 avatar He Lijian

Course: zero student: zero
As a teacher of the School of Computer Science of Yantai University, he has more than 20 years of teaching career and is committed to building a track for IT novices, giving advice to confused college students, and pursuing happiness and passion together. He wrote the book "Counterattacking the University: Positive Energy for IT Students", which helps IT students and learners to lift their confusion, practice their lifelong learning ability with practical actions, and grasp their own life. Since 2014, it has built online video courses, reformed the teaching mode of university courses, implemented the flipped classroom teaching method, and built an efficient learning process with the goal of improving students' practical ability. Submit the combined resources of "video+self-test+practice project" accumulated in the course construction work to the IT community to help computer beginners find the most effective way to learn technology.
Course content

Phase I

Part I~

Assembly Language Programming Series

  •  course-pic

    Assembly Language Programming Video Course - I

    Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the basic part of assembly language programming. Edited
    6 class hours · 51 minutes 11832 people study four point nine Updated on April 3, 2018
    Course outline
    Course outline
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      Assembly Language Programming Video Course II

      Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the basic part of assembly language programming.
      13 class hours · 2 hours and 32 minutes 20360 people study five Updated on March 3, 2017
      Course outline
      Course outline
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        Assembly Language Programming Video Course III

        Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the basic part of assembly language programming.
        12 class hours · 2 hours and 6 minutes 17389 people study five Updated 2024/03/26
        Course outline
        Course outline
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          Assembly Language Programming Video Course IV

          Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the basic part of assembly language programming.
          13 class hours · 1 hour 57 minutes 11255 people study four point nine Updated on March 15, 2017
          Course outline
          Course outline
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            Assembly Language Programming Video Course V

            Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the basic part of assembly language programming.
            15 class hours · 3 hours and 20 minutes 12741 people study four point nine Updated on March 30, 2017
            Course outline
            Course outline
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              Assembly Language Programming Video Course VI

              Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the basic part of assembly language programming.
              21 class hours · 4 hours 57 minutes 11978 people study five Updated on May 17, 2017
              Course outline
              Course outline
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                Assembly Language Programming VII Series Video Course

                Assembly language is a low-level programming language, which plays an irreplaceable role in thousands of computer languages and is widely used to develop operating system kernel, device drivers, etc. With the development of the Internet of Things and embedded systems in recent years, the position of assembly language in the industry has also climbed again, and again entered the top ten on the TIOBE ranking list in January 2017. For most people learning computer, it is a bridge to understand the core knowledge of computer system, and also plays a special role in personnel training. This course is for computer beginners and introduces the most basic part of assembly language programming.
                18 class hours · 3 hours and 21 minutes 3249 people study five Updated on June 21, 2017
                Course outline
                Course outline
                Exercise/examination paper
                Exercises/test papers of assembly language programming series
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course III 1 set of test paper
                Data download
                Data download of assembly language programming series
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course - I 6 data
                Data name file size
                0100 Tutorial 250.97KB
                0101 Why Learn Assembly Language 726.12KB
                0102 From machine language to assembly language 403.66KB
                0103 Computer composition 1.48M
                0104 Memory read/write and address space 780.58KB
                0105 Construction of assembly language practice environment 2.21M
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course II 13 materials
                Data name file size
                0200 Tutorial 250.96KB
                0201 Register and data storage 292.97KB
                0202 mov and add instructions 250.94KB
                0203 Method of determining physical address 393.60KB
                0204 Segmented representation of memory 565.77KB
                0205 Use of Debug 447.89KB
                0206 CS, IP and Code Snippets 357.83KB
                0207 jmp instruction 353.57KB
                0301 Storage of words in memory 216.90KB
                0302 Use DS and [address] to transmit words 244.78KB
                0303 DS and data segment 472.42KB
                Implementation of 0304 stack and stack operation 571.00KB
                0305 Summary of "Segment" 349.35KB
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course III 11 data
                Data name file size
                0400 Stage Guidance 349.15KB
                0401 Source program written in assembly language 507.65KB
                0402 Running from source program to program 803.94KB
                0403 Use Debug to trace program execution 560.21KB
                0501 [...] and (...) 353.55KB
                0502 Loop command 535.79KB
                Re example of 0503 Loop Instruction 262.93KB
                Use of 0504 segment prefix 434.87KB
                0601 Using data in code snippets 550.58KB
                0602 Using stacks in code snippets 302.45KB
                0603 Put data, code and stack into different segments 372.73KB
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course IV 13 materials
                Data name file size
                0700 Tutorial 346.53KB
                0701 Handle character problems 706.67KB
                0702 [bx+ida] mode addressing 554.90KB
                0703 SI and DI registers 555.84KB
                0704 [bx+si] and [bx+di] addressing 286.90KB
                0705 [bx+si+ida] and [bx+di+ida] addressing 285.45KB
                0706 Flexible application of different addressing modes 353.78KB
                0707 Demonstration of different addressing modes 356.79KB
                0801 Register for memory addressing 219.22KB
                Where is 0802? How long is it? 441.37KB
                Comprehensive application of 0803 addressing mode 515.80KB
                0804 Implement division with div instruction 309.30KB
                0805 Set memory space with dup 285.58KB
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course V 15 materials
                Data name file size
                0900 Tutorial 350.54KB
                0901 Overview of "Transfer" 204.57KB
                0902 operator offset 260.30KB
                0903 jmp instruction 694.41KB
                0904 Other transfer instructions 370.21KB
                1001 call instruction and ret instruction 480.83KB
                1002 Call and ret 597.15KB
                1003 mul instruction 250.46KB
                Modular programming of 1004 assembly language 683.45KB
                1005 Register conflict 388.63KB
                1101 flag register 430.44KB
                1102 Add and Subtract with Borrow Position 393.44KB
                1103 cmp and conditional branch instructions 359.78KB
                1104 Conditional Transfer Instruction Application 317.73KB
                1105 DF flag and serial transmission command 309.09KB
                Assembly Language Programming Video Course VI 21 materials
                Data name file size
                1200 stage guidance 361.96KB
                1401 Shift instruction 446.28KB
                1601 Operating video memory data 383.09KB
                1602 Label describing memory unit 403.66KB
                1603 Direct addressing table of data 475.79KB
                Direct addressing table of 1604 code 269.90KB
                1201 Interrupt and its handling 555.60KB
                1202 Prepare interrupt handling program 502.15KB
                1203 Single step interrupt 419.60KB
                1301 Interrupt caused by int instruction 339.47KB
                1302 BIOS and DOS interrupt handling 710.37KB
                Read/write of port 1402 616.20KB
                1403 Operation CMOS RAM chip 409.97KB
                1501 Peripheral connection and interruption 482.12KB
                1502 PC keyboard processing 422.26KB
                1503 Customized keyboard input processing 290.50KB
                1504 Method of rewriting interrupt routine 240.52KB
                1701 response peripheral with interrupt 551.32KB
                1702 Application: string input 385.57KB
                1703 disk read/write 423.88KB
                1704 Let the Computer "Sing" 506.45KB
                Assembly Language Programming VII Series Video Course 18 materials
                Data name file size
                1800 stage learning guidance 246.42KB
                Another Writing Method of 1801 Subprogram 253.35KB
                1802 Multi file organization of programs 259.10KB
                1803 Assembly instruction summary 584.90KB
                1804 Assembly pseudo operation summary 414.39KB
                1805 Assembly operator summary 328.61KB
                1806 Assembly process 426.76KB
                1807 Macro Assembly 409.61KB
                1808 macro library 220.68KB
                1809 Condition compilation 245.96KB
                1810 Repetitive assembly 218.13KB
                1811 80x86 Assembly 396.42KB
                1812 Assembly Language Integrated Development Environment 374.04KB
                1813 Developing Assembler with Visual Studio 251.25KB
                Instruction level debugging of 1814 high-level language 349.52KB
                1815 Disassembly (reverse engineering) 386.54KB
                1816 Mixed programming 268.46KB
                1817 File structure analysis 761.27KB
                Student evaluation

                {{ starInfo.score }}

                {{total>999? '999+': total}} student scores
                • {{ tag.tagname }} {{ tag.num > 99 ? '99+' : tag.num }}
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                  • {{ tag.tagname }}
                  {{item. content | | 'The user has not filled in the evaluation content'}}
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