03 - Project complete code structure

forty-two Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited Understanding the course
Course Introduction
discuss {{interaction.discussNum ? '(' + interaction.discussNum + ')' : ''}}
Suitable for people
Web development beginners, basic developers, developers who want to improve their rights management capabilities, and developers who are interested in the separation of front-end and back-end development need to have some knowledge of Springboot, databases, mybatis, and Vue
You will learn
Do you really know the design of permission management? Come on, let's solve various permission implementation schemes of background management projects through projects
Course Introduction

Are you eager to master the cutting-edge Web development technology and create an efficient and secure rights management system?

Are you familiar with such technical terms as Spring Boot, MyBatis, Vue and MySQL, but are you suffering from no systematic learning and practice opportunities?

Then, this Spring Boot+MyBatis+Vue+MySQL rights management project practice video course will be your rare learning partner!

Suitable for people

  1. Web development beginner : For beginners who are just beginning to contact web development, this set of courses will provide you with a complete practical project, so that you can quickly master the use methods and practices of Spring Boot, MyBatis, Vue, MySQL and other core technologies in practice.

  2. Development with certain foundation : If you have a certain understanding of web development, but want to further improve your practical ability and project experience, this course will provide you with an excellent learning platform. By following the video practice drill, you will be able to better understand the integration and application of various technologies and improve your technical level.

  3. Want to improve the development of authority management capability : Permission management is an indispensable part of Web development, which is vital to ensure the security and stability of the system. By learning this set of courses, you will be able to master the design and implementation methods of the rights management system and add a solid security line to your project.

  4. Development interested in front end and rear end separation development : As one of the mainstream front-end frameworks, Vue can achieve efficient front-end and back-end separation development by combining it with the Spring Boot back-end framework. Through the study of this course, you will be able to deeply understand the principle and practice of front-end and back-end separation development, and improve your development efficiency and quality.

Project screenshot





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{{pageType==='video '?' The discussion area grabs the sofa, and you can get double credits': 'The discussion area is empty, please say two sentences~'}}
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