Lecturer card
Areas of expertise
Java Linux Cloud platform big data front end
About Instructor

Proficient in Java back-end development, responsible for the application and development of Hubei Zhongyan Quality Inspection Platform and online office platform architecture of Hubei Zhongyan Group; Responsible for the R&D and maintenance of Smart Foshan online approval, Foshan supervision, palm approval and other projects hosted by Shenzhen Taiji Foshan Project Department; Proficient in common Java technical system frameworks such as Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis, Activiti, etc; Proficient in microservice architecture development SpringBoot、SpringCloud; Proficient in Layui, Easyui, Vue, React, Bootstrap and other front-end frameworks; Proficient in HTML5, CSS, JS, JQuery and other front-end technologies; Proficient in Zookeepor, Dubbo, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, RocketMQ, FastDFS, nacos, sentinel, seata, Docker, Redis, Nginx and other technologies