Configuration of Springmvc4+Mybatis3+Spring4+Bootstrap3 (SSM)

Springmvc4+Mybatis3+Spring4+Bootstrap3 Integration Tutorial (SSM): 1. Overall project architecture. 2. How to configure the project. 3. Scan settings for project annotations

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senior 12 class hours Updated on January 10, 2018

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Enterprise R&D personnel, all middle and senior development engineers, etc.

You will learn:

Springmvc4+Mybatis3+Spring4+Bootstrap3 Integration Tutorial (SSM): 1. Overall project architecture. 2. How to configure the project. 3. Scan settings for project annotations

Course introduction:


[Technical Architecture]

Teach you to integrate elegant SSM framework: SpringMVC4+Spring 4+MyBatis3+JQuery+JQueryUI+Echarts3+Bootstrap 3+MVC+ajax
Current situation
When we look at most teaching classes, SSH is regarded as the core teaching content. However, in actual Internet enterprise applications, Spring MVC can completely replace the Struts series, with annotations, fast programming, and restful style to define urls, making the address look very elegant. MyBatis can also replace Hibernate. Because of MyBatis's semi-automatic feature, it will enable software designers with database experience to develop efficient SQL statements, which can be matched with the enterprise's actual combat architecture SpringMVC4, Spring 4, MyBatis3, JQuery, JQueryUI, Echarts3, Bootstrap3, MVC and Ajax. Well, if you agree with me, let's do the integration together!

[Objectives of this chapter]

Spring MVC and SSM configuration.

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Course outline- Configuration of Springmvc4+Mybatis3+Spring4+Bootstrap3 (SSM)

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