[Xia Caojun] C++socket network programming complete practical http server (supporting php) video course

Be familiar with the development process under Windows and Linux, and be able to develop network programs that support multi threading across platforms. Understand socket programming principles, understand udp and tcp protocols, analyze protocols through packet capture tools, develop network servers that support high concurrency, and develop http server and syslog server network programming implementations that support php

91541 people study

intermediate 70 class hours Updated 2022/07/02

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

C/C++programmers, embedded programmers, and other language programmers need to develop highly concurrent network programs

You will learn:

Be familiar with the development process under Windows and Linux, and be able to develop network programs that support multi threading across platforms. Understand socket programming principles, understand udp and tcp protocols, analyze protocols through packet capture tools, and develop network servers that support high concurrency. Develop http servers and syslog servers that support php for network programming. Learn threads and regular expressions of c++11

Course introduction:

Lecturer: Xia Caojun

Demonstration system:

        windows10 + vs2013

Vmware+ubuntu 16.04 64 bit

If there are questions in the course, you can ask them in the Q&A session, and I will answer them in time

This course will demonstrate programming in Linux and Windows at the same time. Threads and regular expressions in the course use c++to provide libraries.

The course combines theory with practice, and the practice focuses on code delay. This course includes all features commonly used in socket programming, including basic programming of tcp and udp protocols, broadcast packets, timeout connections, multiplexing, high concurrency epoll multiplexing, and multi-threaded server. The practical project of the course includes a complete http server * (TCP) that supports php, and an xsyslog project (UDP) that receives and analyzes linux system logs.

The course is equivalent to: Linux network programming and Windows network programming

The following is the course directory


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Course outline- [Xia Caojun] C++socket network programming complete practical http server (supporting php) video course

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