Zero Foundation Learning C Language Series Function Details_void&return Video Tutorial

Mr. Yin Cheng, a global valuable expert of Microsoft, has laid a very solid foundation for the follow-up courses C++, iOS, and game development!

401 people study

senior 15 class hours Updated on January 14, 2016

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 Yin Cheng
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Most people want to engage in C and C++development.

You will learn:

Mr. Yin Cheng, a global valuable expert of Microsoft, has laid a very solid foundation for the follow-up courses C++, iOS, and game development!

Course introduction:

Mr. Yin Cheng, a global valuable expert of Microsoft, gave a lively and interesting lecture, which was easy to understand, and the full set of video content was rich. The entire tutorial, with C language as the core, had a complete and wonderful exercise of data structure, algorithm, design mode, database, high concurrent retrieval of big data, file redirection, multithread synchronization, process communication, hacker hijacking technology, network security, encryption and decryption, As well as various wonderful small projects, it is very suitable for everyone to learn!

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Course outline- Zero Foundation Learning C Language Series Function Details_void&return Video Tutorial

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