Video Course of Practical Programming Development Tools

The purpose of this topic is to let you know what tools are commonly used in programming development. Of course, there are not many tools here. With learning, there will be more tools, even if there are many tools to complete the same function. Therefore, I will focus on demonstrating some commonly used functions, and scholars will focus on finding out what is suitable for them

12634 people study

primary 8 class hours Updated on December 25, 2015

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 Bao Songshan
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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1. It is suitable for beginners of programming, programmers who want to improve development efficiency, and development learners who want to feel the comfortable mood brought by tools

You will learn:

The purpose of this topic is to let you know what tools are commonly used in programming development. Of course, there are not many tools here. With learning, there will be more tools, even if there are many tools to complete the same function. Therefore, I will focus on demonstrating some commonly used functions from one point to another. Scholars can focus on finding out the tools suitable for themselves and learning some commonly used functions.

Course introduction:

[Video Course of Practical Programming Development Tools] produced by knowledge producer Bao Songshan, lecturer

1. Course Introduction

The focus of this course is to introduce the tools commonly used in programming and development. Many students do not know how to use tools, but do not know that such tools exist, so the focus is to introduce the use of various tools. The value of tools lies in their use. With the use, they will inevitably create their own tools

2. Learning instructions
The purpose of this topic is to let you know what tools are commonly used in programming and development. Of course, there are not many tools here. With learning, there will be more tools, even if there are many tools to complete the same function. Therefore, I will focus on demonstrating some commonly used functions, and scholars will focus on finding tools suitable for themselves, And learn some common functions to use.

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Course outline- Video Course of Practical Programming Development Tools

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