Introduction to C++Video Course

This topic focuses on the basic introduction of C++, so it will not involve very in-depth syntax and mechanism. But it will enable you to understand and learn the core content of C++in a comprehensive way, and quickly learn to use C++. Our goal is to grasp the overall situation first, and then go deep into each one!!!

712588 people study

primary 32 class hours Updated on July 3, 2018

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 Bao Songshan
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Students who are beginners of C++;

You will learn:

This topic focuses on the basic introduction of C++, so it will not involve very in-depth syntax and mechanism. But it will enable you to understand and learn the core content of C++in a comprehensive way, and quickly learn to use C++. Our goal is to grasp the overall situation first, and then go deep into each one!!!

Course introduction:

[C++Introduction Video Course] produced by knowledge producer Bao Songshan, lecturer

Suitable for students:

1. It is suitable for beginners of C++language. It is better to have a C language foundation, but it is also good to have perseverance and perseverance without a foundation. 2. It is suitable for students who want to use C++as their programming tool to learn from a more advanced programming language. 4. It is suitable for students who want to enter the IT industry but have no idea how to get started.

Course introduction:

1. Course Introduction
C++is an object based language, which is compatible with C language in many aspects. It can be considered that C++is a better C language.
A multifaceted understanding and learning of C++is conducive to learning other languages by analogy.

2. Learning instructions
This topic focuses on the basic introduction of C++, so it will not involve very in-depth syntax and mechanism. But it will make you Understanding and learning of polyhedron
The core content of C++. Quickly learn to use C++. Our goal is to first take a macro view of the whole Grasp, break through each one in depth!!!

3. Course description
Although this topic is a basic introduction to C++, I am confident that you will realize that it is not the same for beginners to learn the language The learning value lies in use, so I

Pay attention to the code implementation and explanation of each section, but do not abandon the combination of theory.

This course does not provide source code, only ppt.

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Course outline- Introduction to C++Video Course

  • one

    C++Introduction_Course Introduction Main content: introduce the introduction topic of C++programming, emphasize the content to be explained in this topic, and the precautions in the learning process, so that students can know how to learn this topic and the people suitable for learning.

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "C++Programming Basics. ppt"

  • two

    Transition from C to C++ Main contents: simple differences between C and C++1& nbsp; The file types created are different. C language is. c, C++is. cpp2,&nbsp& nbsp; The imported header files are different 3& Nbsp; C++has namespaces 4,&nbsp& nbsp; The input and output statements are different 5& Nbsp; C language does not allow overloading. C++can overload 6,&nbsp& nbsp; Custom type, C language uses struct, C++uses class7,&nbsp& Nbsp; C language is procedure oriented, C++is object oriented

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "C++courseware. zip"

  • three

    First knowledge of classes and objects Main contents: 1. Explanation of the four characteristics of C++&nbsp& nbsp; Abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism 2. Explanation of ideas from process oriented to object-oriented 3. Explanation of one-to-one mapping model between real entities and computer objects

  • four

    Class definition and object creation Main contents: 1. How to define a class 2. The role of the access qualifier (public, protected, private) in a class 3. The implementation method of class member functions 4. Object creation

  • five

    this pointer Main contents 1. Storage model of C++objects 2. Understanding the essence of this pointer

  • six

    Constructors and Destructor Main contents: 1. Definition and use of constructors 2. Rules and characteristics of writing constructors 3. Definition and use of destructors 4. Rules and characteristics of writing destructors

  • seven

    Three functions of constructor Main contents: 1. Explanation of the three functions of the constructor 2. Emphasis on the idea of temporary objects

  • eight

    quote Main contents: 1. The concept of reference 2. Reference refers to different types of methods 3. Explanation of the constancy of temporary objects

  • nine

    copy constructor Main contents: 1. Concept of copy constructor 2. Explanation of three call opportunities of copy constructor

  • ten

    Assignment function Main contents: 1. Concept of assignment statement 2. Writing of assignment statement 3. Detailed explanation of assignment statement parameters, self assignment detection, and important information of return value

  • eleven

    Function call optimization Main contents: 1. Explain the calling time of constructor, copy constructor, assignment statement and destructor 2. Achieve the maximum optimization of function call through different ways 3. Focus on the idea of creating temporary objects when the function returns, and whether to copy the construction or not

  • twelve

    Deep Copy vs. Light Copy Main contents: 1. Explain that there are six default functions in C++classes&nbsp& nbsp; Constructor, Copy Constructor, Assignment Statement, Destructor, Object Addressing Operator, Constant Object Addressing Operator 2. Explain deep copy shallow copy, deep assignment and shallow assignment 3. Summarize when you should write copy constructors and assignment statements yourself

  • thirteen

    Operator overloading Main contents: 1. Deep understanding of operator overloading 2. The overloading process of pre++and post++3. The concept of friend and the problems in operator overloading

  • fourteen

    Youyuan details Main contents: 1. Rules of friend function and general function 2. Features and precautions of friend function 3. Use friend function to solve the overload problem of complex number, input and output operators

  • fifteen

    Static method and const method Main contents: 1. Explain static data members and static function members. 2. Explain static members and regular method calls. 3. Explain the core essence of static and regular methods. This pointer

  • sixteen

    Function Template Main contents: 1. Propose the idea of template programming 2. Detailed explanation of function templates through examples

  • seventeen

    Class Template Main contents: 1. The idea and definition of class template. 2. Through the single linked list class, mainly explain how to define the functions of class template, and pay attention to the problem of template separation and compilation

  • eighteen

    Dynamic memory development new_delete Main contents: 1. Compare the similarities and differences of opening and releasing memory in C mode (malloc free) and C++mode (new delete) for common variables 2. Compare the similarities and differences of opening and releasing memory in C mode (malloc free) and C++mode (new delete) for array types 3. Compare the similarities and differences of opening and releasing memory in C mode (malloc free) and C++mode (new delete) for custom types 4 Emphasize that new not only opens memory but also calls constructors. Delete not only frees memory, but also calls destructors before releasing

  • nineteen

    Three forms of new Main contents: 1. Explanation for new operator 2. Explanation for operator new 3. Explanation for placement new

  • twenty

    Detailed description of inheritance access property Main contents: 1. Inheritance related theoretical concepts 2. Inheritance syntax structure 3. Focus on the study of parent class access from the perspective of internal subclasses and subclass objects in the inheritance system

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