Docker basic introduction and practice, journey from novice to proficient

This course will take you into the world of Docker and deeply analyze the basic knowledge and core principles of Docker

79 people study

intermediate 39 class hours Updated 2024/05/08

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Software developers, test engineers, operation and maintenance personnel, personnel interested in container technology, college students and graduate students

You will learn:

This course will take you into the world of Docker and deeply analyze the basic knowledge and core principles of Docker

Course introduction:

This course will take you into the world of Docker and deeply analyze the basic knowledge and core principles of Docker. Docker, As a popular container technology, it has been widely used in software development, testing, operation and maintenance and other fields due to its lightweight, strong portability, rapid deployment and other characteristics. This course will start with the basic concepts of Docker, and gradually guide you to master the key skills of Docker image creation, container operation and management, and Dockerfile writing.

In terms of course content, this course not only includes the theoretical knowledge of Docker, but also combines actual cases and scenarios, so that you can truly master the practical skills of Docker in the learning process. Through the learning of this course, you will be able to master the basic operations of Docker and have the ability to quickly deploy applications to Docker containers.

In addition, this course also emphasizes the security and practice of Docker, so that you can enjoy the convenience of Docker while ensuring the security and stability of applications.

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Course outline- Docker basic introduction and practice, journey from novice to proficient

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