Introduction to zero foundation refinement of solidity smart contract development (based on version 0.8. x)

We will fully master the development of Solidity smart contracts, learn to build and deploy decentralized applications, and lay a solid foundation for our blockchain development career

600 people study

primary 110 class hours Updated 2024/04/26

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

People who want to enter the blockchain industry, whether they are basic programmers or completely novices, can learn Solidity programming to achieve self-improvement and career transformation, find more opportunities, and maximize their personal value.

You will learn:

We will fully master the development of Solidity smart contracts, learn to build and deploy decentralized applications, and lay a solid foundation for our blockchain development career

  • Systematic 0 to 1 comprehensive knowledge of Solidity
  • Industry ERC-20 standard
  • Industry ERC-721 standard
  • Master the use of OpenZeppelin security library
  • Multi contract communication mechanism
  • Comprehensively master the fundamentals of Solidity

Course introduction:

Introduction to Solidity

Solidity is a statically typed, contract oriented high-level programming language designed specifically for writing smart contracts. It is used for eth and other compatible blockchain platforms.

Solidity language is influenced by C++, Python, JavaScript and other languages. It aims to provide a safe and easy to understand way to create and manage smart contracts.


  • Static type : Solidity is a statically typed language, which means that the types of all variables must be explicitly specified at compile time.

  • Contract oriented : The main building blocks in Solidity are contracts, which are similar to classes in object-oriented programming. Contracts can include state variables, functions, events, modifiers, etc.

  • inherit : Solidity supports multiple inheritance and allows contracts to inherit the attributes and behaviors of other contracts.

  • EVM compatible : Smart contracts written by Solidity are compiled into EVM (virtual machine) bytecode, which enables them to be deployed and executed on the eth network.

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Learning notes:


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Course outline- Introduction to zero foundation refinement of solidity smart contract development (based on version 0.8. x)

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