
PHP Advanced (I) Development Environment and Syntax Depth

From the upgrading of virtual machines and development environments to the deepening of PHP and MySQL syntax, Laravel11+Vue separates the front and rear ends.

8499 people study

intermediate 133 class hours Updated 2024/04/23

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 Ma Nong Lao Zhang
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Suitable for:

Students at school/one to three years and above of work experience/other programming language workers who want to transfer to PHP/review of big shots

You will learn:

From the upgrading of virtual machines and development environments to the deepening of PHP and MySQL syntax, Laravel11+Vue separates the front and rear ends.

  • Virtual machine Linux environment construction: native installation, APT/YUM installation, pagoda panel
  • Development environment: WSL, Docker, Brew
  • PHP and MySQL syntax in-depth
  • Upgrade virtual machine and development environment, learn various development environment building methods under Linux, Windows, Docker and Mac
  • PHP and MySQL have deep syntax, which is the only way to go to the big guy
  • Data structure and design pattern Part II: in-depth study of various data structures, algorithms, and design patterns
  • The Larravel framework is used to develop blog projects, using the front end and rear end separation technology
  • Fresh: PHP8 features (annotation, enumeration), JWT, and Casbin permission control

Course introduction:

Course Introduction

Through the study of the introductory chapter, we have a good understanding of programming knowledge and PHP You have a certain understanding of language, or you have already worked one reach three Small farmers in may have or will soon encounter bottlenecks This course Be the original department column Of Advanced In the first part, thank you for coming to see what we are going to do, and I hope you can join me in learning together.


For the industry of programming, everyone will say that learning is necessary  Java Front end Python Go Language. But we don't know, Web In the domain  PHP Language is still an important cornerstone of the entire Internet. Even under the repeated challenges of the above languages, PHP Language is still stable in the top ten of all kinds of programming languages. What does this mean? For this programming language, it does not stop to be pursued by others. It is also constantly updating and iterating, constantly radiating new vitality. The problems that have been criticized by people before are also being solved one by one, and its advantages seem to be recognized by everyone again.


It is easy to develop, easy to get started, and low salary, but it is the best choice for start-ups and individual entrepreneurs. Low cost means that your salary will not be too high, but this is only one aspect of determining salary. What is more important is the ability and opportunity. If we can have a job to feed and clothe in the current downturn environment, and at the same time, we can achieve business profitability by quickly realizing business needs, it is not an opportunity? Even if you are learning something tall  Java Go perhaps  Python It is also impossible to escape the database, operating system and network principles, which are required courses for every programmer. Programming language is just a tool, or a stepping stone for newcomers. Therefore, regardless of any programming language, its advantages and disadvantages are always relative. I also believe that its future will not be like what many people say is about to die. In addition, the problem of high concurrency puzzles  PHPer  We have been doing this for a long time, but now it can also be solved through new versions or various extensions. The code specification is also improving step by step with the release of the version. Just as we can't say that a certain person must be perfect, there is no perfect programming language, only continue to work hard. Therefore, I think it is worth learning that we are still trying to improve our own programming language.


Don't believe it? You can ask  AI


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This course is divided into three stages, namely, the introductory chapter, the advanced chapter and the advanced chapter.


l Introduction: Start from scratch, learn  PHP Understand the programming world and master the basic syntax of  Web Programming ability. At the same time, it will also introduce how to learn and the importance of self-study. It is necessary to master the knowledge related to front-end development and database at the same time, so as to reach the level of being able to enter the job as a new or new person. We will start from the perspective of command line programming, which should be the beginning of the whole network  PHP course. Even if you have work experience, it may also be a good opportunity to consolidate the foundation.

l Advanced Level: Learn More  PHP The construction of various aspects and environments, the transformation of the project in the introductory chapter, and the mastery of the methods and methods of source code analysis  Laravel Framework and source code of various open source systems. Start to enter the optimization part, understand the database optimization and code optimization skills, and be able to use  Swoole or  Workman Solve the problem of high concurrency and high traffic. study  Git Team development and the use of various development aids can reach the level of about three years of work experience. It will involve various theories and principle knowledge, stimulate your desire to learn the underlying knowledge, and start to move towards the big guy.

l Advanced part: under planning, but our main direction should be more advanced storage optimization, cache design, and architecture solutions. You will be exposed to distributed deployment, microservices, database master and slave, big data processing and other related content.



Each large chapter will be divided into several small chapters, Advanced The table of contents is as follows.


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Current period by Advanced The first part of the article mainly includes Linux And development environment PHP and MySQL Advanced knowledge of grammar, algorithm and design mode is mainly learned, while learning PHP Top Stream in the World Laravel Frame.


I Linux Environment construction: understand the construction of the local virtual machine environment, and learn the native compilation and installation together PHP Development environment, using apt Tool installation and pagoda tool installation environment.

II Windows Mac development environment stay PHPStudy On the basis of WSL Docker Is installed in the Mac There are also very convenient Brew The tool can quickly set up the local development environment

III PHP Advanced: learn from the basic concepts of variable type, function and object-oriented, and then introduce the use of some built-in functional components.

IV MySQL Advanced: It is also based on some component functions. In addition, we briefly touched on the concept of index, index optimization and backup, and we also set up a master and slave service

V Algorithms and design patterns (II): design patterns We have learned some principles of object-oriented design, such as builder, chain of responsibility, observer, facade, template method, which will be learned in the next advanced chapter Laravel We can see their practical application when we use the source code, and the tree, graph, and quick arrangement we encounter in the algorithm part are also very common algorithm knowledge. Algorithms are the soul of the program, and also the key to entering the big factory and becoming the big man.

VI Laravel Framework: Carry out the blog project in the previous introductory chapter Laravel The migration of the framework, and the development of background management pages by separating the front end from the back end.


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