Efficient development of jQuery: making web pages more vivid and interesting

Learn jQuery from scratch: quickly start web interactive development

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primary 23 class hours Updated 2024/04/23

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Web development beginners, developers with some experience in Web development, front-end developers and UI/UX designers, developers who want to improve development efficiency, and college students

You will learn:

Learn jQuery from scratch: quickly start web interactive development

Course introduction:

This course will lead you to explore jQuery, a powerful JavaScript library, so that you can easily realize rich web page interaction effects and dynamic functions. Through the learning of this course, you will master the core concepts, syntax rules and practices of jQuery, and add more vitality and creativity to Web development.

In this course, we will start with the basics of jQuery, introduce how to introduce the jQuery library, write basic jQuery code, and use selectors to select and manipulate DOM elements. You will learn how to realize common functions such as element style switching, animation effects, event handling, etc. through jQuery, so as to improve the user experience of web pages.

In addition to basic knowledge, the course will also cover the advanced features and extended functions of jQuery. You will learn how to use jQuery for form verification, AJAX requests, plug-in development, etc., and how to combine other front-end technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 to build more modern and efficient Web applications.

The course focuses on practical application. Through rich cases and project demonstrations, you will have the opportunity to operate and apply the knowledge you have learned. Both simple page interaction effects and complex Web application functions can be realized through jQuery, and the quality and performance of code can be continuously optimized and improved.

Whether you are a beginner of web development or a student with some experience, this course will be the best choice for you to learn jQuery. Through systematic learning and practice, you will be able to master jQuery and apply it to actual Web projects, bringing users a more fluent, convenient and interesting browsing experience.

Now, let's embark on the learning journey of jQuery and explore the infinite possibilities brought by this powerful and flexible web interaction tool!

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