Spring root+sc+jwt+redis+mp+uniapp front and rear end separation shopping mall practical project development

After learning this SpringBoot project, students will master the security certification and authorization solutions for enterprise level e-commerce platforms.

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intermediate 31 class hours Updated 2024/04/28

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

This course is suitable for students or practitioners who have a certain programming foundation and want to further study enterprise level project development and security certification technology.

You will learn:

After learning this SpringBoot project, students will master the security certification and authorization solutions for enterprise level e-commerce platforms.

  • It includes solutions for user authentication, authority management and payment security under the front end and rear end separation architecture.
  • The basic principles and functions of Spring Security and JWT, and the importance of Redist in identity authentication information storage.
  • Integrate Spring Security and JWT in the SBoot project, and conduct identity authentication and authorization in combination with Redisj.
  • Demonstrate how to apply these technology stacks to solve practical security authentication and authorization problems, including application scenarios in e-commerce platforms.

Course introduction:

More than 500 pages of actual project development notes

1. Suitable for:

This course is suitable for students or practitioners who have a certain programming foundation and want to further study enterprise level project development and security certification technology.

Especially suitable for the following groups:

  • I have a basic knowledge of Java programming and the Spring Boot framework,

    Students who want to further learn how to apply security authentication and authorization technology in actual projects;

  • Developers who are interested in enterprise level project development and e-commerce platform and hope to master relevant technologies through learning;

  • Developers who want to know how to use Spring Security, JWT, Redis and other technologies to solve identity authentication, authorization and payment security problems;

  • Workers who want to improve their competitiveness in the workplace and learn and practice knowledge related to safety certification and authorization in enterprise level project development.

2. Project introduction:

Spring Boot is mainly used + SpringSecurity + JWT + Redis +The e-commerce platform developed by UniApp (uni ui)+Alipay sandbox payment and other technology stacks provides users with a convenient, safe and efficient online shopping experience.

The platform provides functions such as user registration, login, popular goods, goods browsing, goods classification, shopping cart, order processing and order payment.

In this project, we have adopted a highly dynamic and advanced technology stack, including Spring Boot as the back-end framework, MyBatis Plus as the ORM framework, Druid for powerful database connection pool management, Lombok to optimize Java development efficiency, JWT to achieve safe and efficient user identity verification, and Alipay sandbox payment to provide a convenient online payment function. On the front end, UniApp is selected as the cross platform front end framework. Its features based on Vue.js syntax and WeChat applet tag+API provide users with a smooth shopping experience.

In the enterprise level project, we used Spring Security in combination with JWT and Redis to solve the problem of identity authentication and authorization. As the leading security framework in the industry, Spring Security provides a comprehensive security guarantee for the system. Combined with JWT as a stateless authentication mechanism, it effectively reduces the server burden and improves the system performance and scalability. At the same time, Redis is used as the cache database to further improve the system's response speed and concurrent processing ability, providing users with a more stable and efficient shopping experience.

Main front-end technology stack:

  • UniApp: a cross platform framework, developed based on Vue.js syntax and WeChat applet tag+API, to achieve a seamless cross platform experience.

    UniApp: Uni app is a cross platform application development framework based on Vue.js launched by DCloud. You can use Vue.js syntax to develop code once and publish it to multiple platforms at the same time. The uni app is developed based on Vue.js syntax and WeChat applet tag+API, realizing a seamless cross platform experience.

  • Uni ui: uni ui is an extended component library of uni app, which provides a rich set of component libraries for uni app. The emergence of uni ui enriches the component library of uni app, making it easier to develop zhe to build a cross platform application interface.

Main back-end technology stacks:

  • Spring Boot: a backend project framework for rapid development and easy deployment.

  • MyBatis Plus: Simplify database operations and improve the development efficiency of the data access layer.

  • Druid: A powerful database connection pool management tool to ensure the stability and performance of database access.

  • Lombok: Simplify Java development and improve code readability and maintainability.

  • MySQL: a reliable relational database for data storage and management.

Security authentication and authorization technology stack:

  • Spring Security: a comprehensive security framework, including identity authentication, authorization, attack protection and other functions.

  • JWT (JSON Web Token): stateless authentication mechanism, which realizes user authentication through encrypted and signed tokens, and improves system performance and scalability.

  • Redis: cache database, which is used to store and manage user authentication information such as JWT token, and improve system response speed and concurrent processing capability.

Payment related technology:

  • Alipay sandbox payment: provide convenient online payment function.

In general, this e-commerce platform not only has a comprehensive technology stack, but also has made comprehensive consideration and optimization in security, performance optimization and user experience, aiming to provide users with a convenient, safe and pleasant online shopping experience. Through the application of the above technologies, we have built a dynamic and advanced shopping mall.

three Course introduction:

This course will be based on Spring Boot+Spring Security+JWT+Redis technology stack, combined with actual e-commerce platform project cases,

The application of security authentication and authorization technology is introduced in detail. The course content includes but is not limited to:

  1. Basic principles and functions of Spring Security and JWT;

  2. The importance of Redis in identity authentication information storage;

  3. How to integrate Spring Security and JWT in the Spring Boot project;

  4. Best practices of security authentication and authorization in actual projects;

  5. How to design a safe and reliable payment interface;

  6. Students actually operate, build a simple e-commerce platform backend, and add security authentication and authorization functions;

  7. Students show and share problems and solutions encountered in actual operation.

Through this course, students will be able to master the core knowledge and skills related to security certification and authorization in enterprise level project development, improve their competitiveness in the workplace, and provide technical support and solutions for the development and application of actual projects.

The core contents are as follows:

  • Spring Boot+Spring Security+JWT+Redis integration: In enterprise level projects, you will learn how to integrate Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT and Redis to build a secure and reliable authentication and authorization system. You will solve problems you may encounter during the consolidation process and learn how to optimize system performance and security.

  • Spring Boot+Spring Security: Through actual cases, you will master the skills and best practices of using Spring Security in enterprises. You will learn how to configure user authentication, rights management and security policies, and how to deal with common security vulnerabilities.

  • Spring Boot+MyBatis Plus database operations: You will learn how to combine Spring Boot and MyBatis Plus for database operations, including addition, deletion, modification, query, transaction management, complex query, etc. You will learn how to use MyBatis Plus to improve development efficiency and learn how to deal with common problems and challenges related to databases.

  • Spring Boot+Spring Security+JWT+Redis Practice Guide: In this practice guide, you will deeply discuss how to combine Spring Security, JWT and Redis to build a complete authentication and authorization solution. You will learn how to generate and verify JWT tokens, manage user sessions, and improve system performance by using Redis cache.

Through these courses and practice guides, you will master the comprehensive application of Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Redis, MyBatis Plus and other technologies in enterprise project development, and provide a safe and efficient solution for your project.

The following are the problems you will solve in the project and what you will learn:

  1. Use Spring Boot and Spring Security to achieve security authentication and authorization: Learn how to combine Spring Boot and Spring Security to achieve user authentication and permission management in enterprise level projects to ensure the security and reliability of the system.

  2. The practical application of JWT (JSON Web Token): Master the application of JWT in enterprise level projects, understand how to use JWT to achieve secure authentication and authorization, and improve the security and scalability of the system.

  3. Application of Redis in authentication information storage: Learn how to use Redis as a cache to store and manage authentication information, improve system performance and security, and reduce database pressure.

  4. Database operation with MyBatis Plus: Learn more about how to combine Spring Boot and MyBatis Plus for database operations, realize data persistence and management, and provide reliable data support for enterprise level projects.

Through the above learning, you will be able to flexibly use Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Redis, MyBatis Plus and other technologies in enterprise level projects, solve security authentication and authorization problems encountered in actual projects, and improve the development efficiency and quality of projects.

1. Will learn

Through learning this project, we will master the security authentication and authorization solution of enterprise level e-commerce platform, including user authentication and authority management under the front end and rear end separation architecture

Solutions for management and payment security. By learning this project, you will master the following contents:

  • Use Spring Boot to build enterprise level e-commerce platform backend;

  • Use Spring Security to implement user authentication and permission management;

  • Use JWT (JSON Web Token) to achieve secure authentication and authorization;

  • Use Redis to store and manage authentication information to improve system performance and security;

  • Solve common security authentication and authorization problems in enterprise level projects;

  • Practice and improve the user authentication, authority management and payment security schemes under the front end and rear end separation architecture;

  • Fully understand the actual application scenarios and solutions of Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Redis, MyBatis Plus and other technologies;

  • Through the explanation of practical cases, master how to combine these technologies in actual projects to ensure the safety and stability of the system.

2. Teaching focus

  • Learn the integrated use of Spring Security and JWT

  • Understand the role of Redis in identity authentication information storage

  • Master the best practices of security authentication and authorization in enterprise level projects

3. Teaching difficulties

  • Understand the integration principle of Spring Security and JWT,

  • How to integrate Spring Security and JWT into projects

  • Learn to use Redis to store and manage JWT tokens

  • How to Design a Secure and Reliable Payment Interface

  • How to solve problems related to security authentication and authorization in actual projects

4. Teaching process

  • Phase I: introduce the basic principles and functions of Spring Security and JWT, as well as the importance of Redis in identity authentication information storage.

  • Phase II: explain how to integrate Spring Security and JWT in the Spring Boot project, and conduct identity authentication and authorization in combination with Redis.

  • Stage 3: Demonstrate how to apply these technology stacks to solve practical security authentication and authorization problems, including application scenarios in e-commerce platforms.

five Teaching method

  • Organize explanation, case analysis, example demonstration, students' actual operation and problem discussion

Project development note 1: as follows (notes on pre knowledge points)

S SpringBoot+MybatisPlus+SpringSecurity+JWT+Redis Enterprise Tutorial Portal Development Notes





Project development note 2: as follows (notes of online shopping mall)

Springboot+MybatisPlus+SpringSecurity+JWT+Redis+UniApp (uni ui)+UView+Alipay sandbox payment and other technology stacks

Notes on the development of online e-commerce shopping mall.











Alipay Introductory Notes:

 Alipay 11.png

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Course outline- Spring root+sc+jwt+redis+mp+uniapp front and rear end separation shopping mall practical project development

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