Python core programming and practical application

You will have a comprehensive and profound understanding of Python core programming, and master the core technology and application of object-oriented programming

4548 people study

primary 102 class hours Updated 2024/03/26

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

This course is applicable to any student who is interested in Python programming language, including beginners, office workers, data analysts, college students, scientific researchers, etc.

You will learn:

You will have a comprehensive and profound understanding of Python core programming, and master the core technology and application of object-oriented programming

Course introduction:

This course first introduces the specific contents of Python core programming, including the installation of Python interpreter, variables, expressions, input/output, flow control statements, functions, higher-order functions, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, file operations and exceptions, and introduces the core of object-oriented programming. The content of this process is mainly based on project teaching cases, and uses Python basic technology and object-oriented technology to implement the ATM transaction system.

1、 Notes


2、 Code directory


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Course outline- Python core programming and practical application

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