QT6 actual combat - joint programming of QML and C++

QML6 Basic Syntax, Control, Event, Layout, Status, Thread

19929 people study

intermediate 108 class hours Updated 2024/03/15

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

C++programmer, QT programmer, front-end programmer

You will learn:

QML6 Basic Syntax, Control, Event, Layout, Status, Thread

  • QML6 and C++interaction type definition conversion, function signal processing, rendering processing
  • OpenCV-C++and QML6 realize video playback and cross platform construction

Course introduction:

QT6 Practice - Joint Programming of QML and C++Lecturer: Xia Caojun

Course outline

QML6 Basic syntax, control, event, layout, status, thread, etc

QML6 And C++ Interaction type definition conversion, function signal processing, rendering processing

OpenCV-C++ union QML6 Realize video playback and cross platform construction

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Course outline- QT6 actual combat - joint programming of QML and C++

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