Alibaba Cloud ACP authentication ④: On cloud security

Alibaba Cloud cloud computing related knowledge

8 people study

primary 6 class hours Update 2024/02/29

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 Mr Kevin
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After studying this course, you can obtain a certificate: Cloud computing ACP (Alibaba Cloud computing engineer ACP certification)
four point four
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three point eight
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four point six
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four point four
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Certificate Introduction
Examination information
Tips for preparing for exams
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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Student - preparing for cloud in the future Integrated IT/network management/operation and maintenance – ready to switch to cloud Already engaged in cloud computing related work (sales/pre-sales/after-sales/technology/TAM) College students or workers who have worked in the cloud industry for 1-3 years Cloud computing O&M development engineer Want to use AliCloud

You will learn:

Alibaba Cloud cloud computing related knowledge

Course introduction:

Course design

Combination of theory and practice

Theory: Based on Alibaba Cloud's official technology, explain the core concepts and necessary knowledge of Alibaba Cloud.

Practice: Taking the front-line practice of real enterprises as the background, we will lead everyone to practice and demonstrate the common operations and configurations in Alibaba Cloud.

Based on the official Alibaba Cloud outline recording, the curriculum design is scientific and reasonable. Combining theory with practice and examination, we can make a breakthrough with evidence and practice at one stroke, and we will not be confused on the way of learning.

Teaching style

The lecturer is experienced in teaching, familiar with Alibaba Cloud and other public clouds, and good at training and teaching.

The teaching style is simple and profound, and the obscure cloud products are often vividly explained in a humorous way, making them easy to understand.

The lecturer has a unique lecturing style, teaching online and offline, which is well received by students.

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Course outline- Alibaba Cloud ACP authentication ④: On cloud security

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