C #+PLC Communication Framework Serial Port Network Port Development Course

You will learn the serial port programming, network programming, PLC communication development and architecture design of C #, and thoroughly handle the communication programming of the lower computer

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senior 58 class hours Updated 2024/01/31

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

This course is suitable for children with advanced knowledge of C #. They hope to develop the communication of the lower computer independently. No matter what communication protocol, serial port or network port communication mode, this course will be explained one by one. After learning this course, you will get a breakthrough in the communication programming of the upper computer.

You will learn:

You will learn the serial port programming, network programming, PLC communication development and architecture design of C #, and thoroughly handle the communication programming of the lower computer

Course introduction:

1. This course passes C #, Omron PLC HostLink communication protocol TCP communication ● serial port communication and other elements, and through C # related technologies such as data type abstract inheritance event function modifier (public private internal) generic Action delegate IPAddress polymorphic function socket programming (tcpclient) SerialPort serial port multithread ->sub thread asynchronous, develop a set of universal Extensible PLC communication framework.

2. Through the study of this course, you will thoroughly master the development of PLC communication framework, and realize the development of various lower computer communication classes independently.  

3. This course is a summary of the author's work experience in communication development with the subordinate computer for more than 10 years. It integrates all details into the framework to improve the communication development of various hardware.    

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Course outline- C #+PLC Communication Framework Serial Port Network Port Development Course

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