C++Algorithm (II)

Through two modules (sorting algorithm and greedy algorithm), explain the second part of C++algorithm, and let students master the C++algorithm level by level with the idea of modularization

10223 people study

intermediate 14 class hours Updated on November 15, 2023

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  • Course Introduction
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Suitable for:

All people interested in the algorithm; Students who have learned C++syntax and want to learn advanced C++content; Students who want to learn the Xin Aosai C++course; People who want to learn code programming, exercise and improve their logical thinking ability.

You will learn:

Through two modules (sorting algorithm and greedy algorithm), explain the second part of C++algorithm, and let students master the C++algorithm level by level with the idea of modularization

Course introduction:

The second part of the C++algorithm is explained through two modules (sorting algorithm and greedy algorithm), so that students can master the relevant knowledge of C++algorithm level by level with the idea of modularization.

ü  Through the example programming teaching, pay attention to the logical thinking analysis and programming method explanation, and let the students go on in modules and stages C++ The learning path of the Sinogame course.

ü  Practical case teaching Assist students Logical thinking ability training and Programming thinking Of Performance.

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Course outline- C++Algorithm (II)

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