Concurrent Implementation of Collaborative Programs

Master the principle of concurrent implementation of coroutine

11497 people study

senior 17 class hours Updated on November 14, 2023

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 Available Practitioners
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

This course is suitable for friends who are interested in concurrent programming principles

You will learn:

Master the principle of concurrent implementation of coroutine

Course introduction:

This course is suitable for friends who are interested in concurrent programming principles

1. The course requires you to have a basic knowledge of C/C++and understand basic grammar

2. The course requires you to have seen the knowledge of internal skill training courses or LINUX C courses explained by yourself

3. The course mainly analyzes in detail the principle of coordination process to achieve the core of coordination process

4. This course will enable you to master the concurrent implementation of coroutine. There is not much theoretical overview in this course. If you have no experience in concurrent programming, such as multi process and multi thread, you are suggested to learn the knowledge of other courses I talked about first. This course is no longer repeated.

5. The value of the course after mastering: master the principle of concurrent process and its implementation details!!! Hands and hands with you!!!

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Course outline- Concurrent Implementation of Collaborative Programs

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