WPF Framework Series Courses (Xiaobai Advanced Selection)

Learn WPF controls, data binding, template styles, resource dictionaries, command systems, dependency properties, routing events, and animation behaviors from scratch

149206 people study

intermediate 141 class hours Updated on November 27, 2023

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

This course is not only suitable for WPF students with zero foundation, but also suitable for self-study personnel with some WPF foundation to systematically and comprehensively study and further study. After completing this course, you will transform from a white man to a big man.

You will learn:

Learn WPF controls, data binding, template styles, resource dictionaries, command systems, dependency properties, routing events, and animation behaviors from scratch

Course introduction:

The first 60 episodes of this course are mainly for beginners of zero foundation students. After 60 episodes, we will explain WPF's advanced knowledge of data binding, MVVM concepts and practices, styles, templates, commands, dependency properties, routing events, behaviors, custom controls, 3D, animation, etc. If you have Winform or know something about WPF controls, you can skip the previous 60 episodes.

This course will completely introduce all the knowledge of WPF framework, including WPF overview, control collection, data binding, template style, resource dictionary, command system, dependency properties, routing events, animation behavior, 2D drawing, 3D transformation, etc.

common problem:

Q: I have some WPF knowledge and want to learn more advanced applications of WPF. How about this course?

Answer: After 60 episodes of this course, it is all about the classic advanced knowledge of WPF. We have systematically explained the relationship between WPF and C #. With the deepening of the course, you will better understand the working principle within the WPF framework.

Q: I have never learned WPF, can I learn this course?

Answer: Sure. The first 60 episodes of WPF Framework series courses (Xiaobai Advanced Selection) are designed for Xiaobai. After learning the first 60 episodes, the advanced knowledge behind can be easily connected.

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Course outline- WPF Framework Series Courses (Xiaobai Advanced Selection)

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