Linux C C++static library, dynamic library advanced programming

Special courses for advanced programming of Linux C/C++static library and dynamic library system are all hard core knowledge points!

1001 people study

senior 34 class hours Updated on October 27, 2023

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 Huang Qiang
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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

This course is suitable for children's shoes who want to engage in the advanced development route of Linux C/C++enterprises!

You will learn:

Special courses for advanced programming of Linux C/C++static library and dynamic library system are all hard core knowledge points!

  • C. Compilation options and commands for C++static libraries and dynamic libraries
  • Symbolic conflicts and solutions, version control and upgrade of Linux dynamic libraries
  • Creating, compiling, linking and using Linux dynamic libraries and static libraries
  • Creating, compiling, linking and using Linux dynamic libraries and static libraries
  • Linux ELF file parsing, file header, section table, symbol table

Course introduction:

 Linux-C++dynamic library.jpg

Linux, The full name of GNU/Linux is a UNIX like open source operating system that is free to use and freely spread. It is a POSIX based multi-user, multitasking, multithreading and multi CPU operating system. At present, the mainstream network server operating system is almost Linux.

Static library: In Linux, the static library is suffixed with (. a). The program links the code of the library to the executable file when compiling the link. The static library is no longer needed when the program runs.

Dynamic library: In Linux, the dynamic library is suffixed with (. so). The code of the dynamic library is linked only when the program is running. Multiple programs share the code of the library. An executable file linked to the dynamic library only contains a table of the entry address of the function it uses, not the entire machine code of the object file where the external function is located; Before the executable starts running, the machine code of external functions is copied from the dynamic library on the disk to the memory by the operating system. This process is called dynamic linking.

Huang Qiang, teacher of the advanced thematic course of Linux C/C++static library and dynamic library system programming, explained in detail the creation, compilation link and use, environment configuration, version control, symbol conflict, dynamic loading, ELF files and other knowledge points of the library,

Help you quickly master the programming of Linux static library and dynamic library, and lay a solid foundation for C, C++, and Java enterprise development under Linux!

This course is suitable for children's shoes who want to engage in the advanced development route of Linux C/C++enterprises!

common problem:

Q: Which version of Linux and compiler are used in the course?

Answer: Children's shoes, we use Ubuntu 18.04 version, compiler gcc, g++7.5.0 version in our course!

Q: I want to engage in Linux C/C++development. Is this course suitable for me?

Answer: Children's shoes are very suitable. This course is a series of special courses in the development direction of Linux C/C++!

Q: I haven't learned any programming language, can I learn this course?

Answer: Children's shoes, this course is an advanced course, which needs some foundation! We suggest you go to the teacher's homepage to learn C language or C++programming first, and then learn this course!

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Course outline- Linux C C++static library, dynamic library advanced programming

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