C++Case Practice - Basic and Improvement Video Course

From the basic syntax of C++to object-oriented, from the basic knowledge of C++to the essence of programming, from the introduction of knowledge points to case practice, we can cultivate C++language development talents in a multifaceted and efficient way.

5041 people study

primary 54 class hours Updated on June 2, 2016

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Beginner developers with C language foundation, self learners who want to learn C++, and people who want to switch from java, C #, etc. to C++development.

You will learn:

From the basic syntax of C++to object-oriented, from the basic knowledge of C++to the essence of programming, from the introduction of knowledge points to case practice, we can cultivate C++language development talents in a multifaceted and efficient way.

Course introduction:

In today's information explosion, the development of information technology has changed with each passing day, greatly changing the way of communication and lifestyle of everyone. These are all completed by different software and hardware, among which the software is called computer program. With programs, computers can work for humans. Computers without software are a heap of scrap iron. We can easily get all kinds of software from shopping malls or on the Internet, such as word processing software for editing articles, database software for reasonably organizing data, learning software for learning English, game software for entertainment, etc., which are all written in computer programming language. The C++language introduced in this course is a powerful programming language. After learning the C++language, we can write our own software as needed!

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Course outline- C++Case Practice - Basic and Improvement Video Course

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