PostgreSQL performance optimization (10)

Understand various knowledge of PostgreSQL database optimization, master SQL optimization skills, and be able to rewrite SQL.

14099 people study

primary 108 class hours Updated 2023/08/07

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 Ye Wei
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After studying this course, you can obtain a certificate: PGCM (PostgreSQL Certified Master) - Advanced Certification
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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

IT related practitioners, PostgreSQL DBA, college students, developers

You will learn:

Understand various knowledge of PostgreSQL database optimization, master SQL optimization skills, and be able to rewrite SQL.

Course introduction:

Overview of database optimization


1. Quickly generate test data

2. Usage of pgbench

3. IO pressure measurement

4. Usage of sysbench

5. Netperf network card performance test

Linux monitoring tools

1. Linux monitoring tool (top, free,iostat,vmstat,sar)




Operating system optimization



3. VM parameter

4. io scheduling algorithm

5. Disk read ahead

6. Resource restrictions

7. Linux control group cgroup

Database optimization








8. Tool tuning

Detailed Statistical Information

1. Statistics

2. Cost calculation

3. Monitoring statistics

4. Extended statistics

Detailed explanation of implementation plan

1. Overview of optimizer

2. View the execution plan

3. Control node

4. Physicochemical node

5. Scan nodes

6. Connection node

7. Usage of hint

8. Usage of auto_explain

9. Plan cache usage

10. Multi meter connection optimization

11. Implementation plan optimization

Parallel Query Details

1. Introduction to Parallel Query Principle

2. Parallel query related parameters

3. Application case of parallel computing

Discover TOP SQL

1. Find top sql

2. Installation and use of pg_profile

3. pg_corn scheduled task


1. Basic idea of SQL optimization

2. Simple index optimization

3. Fuzzy query optimization

4. Multi filter condition optimization

5. Small part of data query optimization

6. Pagination query optimization

7. Optimization cases (17 optimization cases)

SQL Overwrite

1. Query conversion

2. Promote sub query

3. Relationship between tables

4. Scalar subquery

5. Semi join

6. Anti join

7. Filter cycle

8. Outer join

9. Rewrite cases (16 rewrite cases)

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Course outline- PostgreSQL performance optimization (10)

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