
Javaweb student achievement/information management system (suitable for course design)

The technical stack adopted by the project is: servlet+bootstrap+jquery+jsp, based on B/S

65 people study

primary 2 class hours Updated on April 12, 2023

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  • Course Introduction
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Suitable for:

Course design) is used for computer or software courses, and final course design (Graduation) Undergraduate college students who are working on graduation and have no clue can be used for learning or secondary development ① Obtain all supporting materials for the course ② Relevant materials for supporting materials

You will learn:

The technical stack adopted by the project is: servlet+bootstrap+jquery+jsp, based on B/S

  • Final course design suitable for computer or software courses, 40 page report

Course introduction:

The purpose of this topic is to use Web related technology Develop a B /S Structural Student performance management system , the technology stack adopted by the project is servlet+bootstrap+jquery+jsp, Database: MySQL 5.7 or 8 .x, The development tool is Idea

There are three rights in the student achievement management system: administrator, teacher and student. Different roles have different permissions, and administrators have the maximum permissions.

The main functions of the administrator module include: personal information, course management , achievement management, teacher management, student management . Query all accounts; The main functions of the teacher module include : login, personal information, course management, score management Student management (note: each teacher can only manage the student scores of his or her class); The basic functions of the student module include: login Personal information [including: query login password, query personal information, modify personal information] Performance management.



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Course outline- Javaweb student achievement/information management system (suitable for course design)

  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline
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