Windows Game Programming Series 6: D3D Programming Fundamentals and Game Development Practice

I will lead you to build a D3D development environment by hand, starting from Windows window to D3D to realize 3D animation

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primary 46 class hours Updated on September 27, 2022

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 Miss Mei
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Programming enthusiasts

You will learn:

I will lead you to build a D3D development environment by hand, starting from Windows window to D3D to realize 3D animation

  • Learn how to handle mouse and keyboard with DirectInput
  • Learn the vertex cache and index cache of D3D, and the four transformations
  • Construction and configuration of D3D development environment
  • Learn how to handle mouse and keyboard with DirectInput
  • Learn the texture mapping, lighting and materials, and alpha blending techniques of D3D
  • 3D particle system for D3D programming
  • Construction and configuration of D3D development environment
  • Vertex cache and index cache of D3D
  • Four transformations of the 3D world
  • Depth Test and Z Cache of D3D Programming

Course introduction:

Windows Game Programming Series six

Direct3D Programming Fundamentals and Game Development Practice

1. Construction and configuration of D3D development environment three

1) Configuration of D3D development environment four

2) Introduction to DirectX Development five

3) Introduction to DirectX Version nine

DricetX contains components: nine

Direct9: ten

Direct10: ten

Direct11: eleven

DirectX 12: eleven

4) Introduction to COM Programming twelve

5) Introduction to OpenGL sixteen

2. Windows Windows and Messages nineteen

1) Windows Create Window twenty

Introduction concepts twenty

(1) Main program twenty-one

(2) Define main function -- program entry point [equivalent to main()] twenty-two

(3) Define callback function -- window message response twenty-three

2) Windows messages and message loops twenty-four

3) Windows window procedure function twenty-eight

4) Complete case of Windows window from birth to death thirty

3. Fundamentals of GDI Programming thirty-three

1) General Programming Framework of GDI thirty-four

2) GDI drawing geometry thirty-six

3) GDI Draw Text thirty-seven

4) GDI drawing bitmap thirty-eight

4. Fundamentals of D3D Programming thirty-eight

1) D3D building development environment and general programming framework forty-two

2) Four Steps for D3D Initialization forty-three

3) Exchange chain of D3D animation display technology forty-six

4) Device interface of D3D forty-six

5) Five Steps of D3D Rendering and Drawing 2D Text forty-seven

 PlaySound forty-eight

 TimeGetTime cannot find the identifier forty-eight

5. Vertex cache and index cache of D3D forty-nine

1) Basic concepts of vertex caching forty-nine

2) Four Steps of Applying Vertex Cache fifty

3) Basic concepts of index cache fifty-two

4) Four Steps for Applying Vertex Cache and Index Cache fifty-five

6. Four transformations of the 3D world fifty-six

1) Basic concepts of the four transformations fifty-six

2) World, viewfinder, projection and viewport of four transformations fifty-seven

One of the four transformations: world transformation fifty-seven

The second of the four major transformations: viewfinder transformation fifty-eight

The third of the four transformations: projection transformation fifty-nine

Four major transformations: viewport transformation sixty

3) Four transformations from two-dimensional world to three-dimensional world sixty-two

7. Lighting and Materials of D3D 3D World sixty-three

1) Four lighting types and three light source types sixty-four

Four types of lighting: sixty-four

Three types of light sources: sixty-six

2) Material sixty-eight

3) Vertex normal sixty-nine

4) D3D Paint Geometry seventy

8. DirectInput mouse and keyboard seventy-one

1) Basic concepts of DirectInput seventy-one

2) Five Steps to the Application of DirectInput seventy-three

3) DirectInput Processing Keyboard seventy-four

4) DirectInput Processing Mouse seventy-five

5) DirectInput code encapsulation and case application seventy-five

9. Texture mapping for D3D programming seventy-five

1) Basic concepts of texture mapping seventy-six

2) Four steps of texture mapping seventy-seven

3) Four texture filtering methods seventy-eight

4) Four texture addressing modes seventy-nine

10. Alpha hybrid technology for D3D programming eighty

1) Introduction to Alpha Channel and Mixing Technology eighty

2) Three sources of alpha eighty-two

3) Three Steps of Alpha Fusion Application eighty-two

4) Grid model and x file eighty-two

11. Depth Test and Z Cache of D3D Programming eighty-three

1) Basic concepts of in-depth testing eighty-four

2) Four Steps for the Application of Deep Testing eighty-five

12. 3D particle system for D3D programming eighty-six

1) Physical Modeling and Particle System eighty-six

2) Basic principles of three-dimensional particle system eighty-seven

3) Snowflake Flying Example System Case eighty-nine

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Course outline- Windows Game Programming Series 6: D3D Programming Fundamentals and Game Development Practice

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