
Web Automation Test Practice Tutorial [selenium/unittest/pytest]

Learn to use unittest, pytest, selenium to complete the ui automation test and build the ui automation test framework

18912 people study

senior 193 class hours Updated 2022/09/06

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Suitable for:

1. Students 2. Testing post 3. Have a certain foundation of python language

You will learn:

Learn to use unittest, pytest, selenium to complete the ui automation test and build the ui automation test framework

  • Learn the automated test framework of unittest
  • Learn pytest automated test framework
  • Learn selinium and web automated testing
  • Learn the design idea of pom in automation
  • Learn how to drive data in automation
  • Learn the design idea of automatic keywords
  • Learn to complete automated testing independently
  • Build ui automation test framework

Course introduction:

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Course content:

unittest: Automatic test introduction, environment construction, process design, logic design, assertion, result output, ddt data drive

 pytest: Firmware design, fixture use, pytest.ini and parameterization, built-in functions and assertions, integration with doctest, result output, hook and plug-ins

selenium: Element positioning, element interaction, event interaction, window operation, JS application, pytest&unittest integration, pom design, keyword design, selenium ide and distributed grid are two comprehensive application examples: development platform comprehensive example, stock project comprehensive example

Course resources:


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Course outline- Web Automation Test Practice Tutorial [selenium/unittest/pytest]

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