Adobe Effect Video Production Tutorial for New Media Operation (AE Tutorial)

1. Quick start AE advanced video production 2. Master how to apply AE template 3. Help to produce high-level promotional videos

111 people study

intermediate 7 class hours Updated on June 29, 2022

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 Wang Yutao
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1. Zero basic student, with strong curiosity about AE 2. Want to quickly master the skills of using AE 3. Lifelong learner

You will learn:

1. Quick start AE advanced video production 2. Master how to apply AE template 3. Help to produce high-level promotional videos

Course introduction:

This course mainly explains how to quickly get started with Adobe Effect (AE) advanced video production. AE can produce very cool videos, which is a more difficult video production skill than PR video clips, and helps to produce advanced corporate promotional videos. This course will initially introduce the basic use of AE, so that you can quickly get started with AE advanced video production.

The course catalogue is as follows:

1. Introduction

2. Basic panel function introduction

3. LOGO display - quick replacement of template text and pictures

4. Project presentation - multi element and multi-level material replacement

5. Project display - multi element and multi-level material replacement

6. Project display - fine adjustment - change the length of the material according to the dubbing

7. Additional knowledge points: tutorial of AE plug-in




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