
2.6.3. Details of AutoSarCP operating system

The goal of this course is to master the core features of AutoSarOS, such as task priority, schedule, IoC, four protection mechanisms, and Alarm

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senior 30 class hours Updated on November 23, 2022

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Suitable for:

This course is suitable for all those who are interested in intelligent cars and want to learn the development of embedded software for cars

You will learn:

The goal of this course is to master the core features of AutoSarOS, such as task priority, schedule, IoC, four protection mechanisms, and Alarm

  • This course can master many features and official standards of OSEKOS and AutoSarOS

Course introduction:

This section belongs to the third course of the sixth part of the second quarter of the Core Course of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Development, Learning from Teacher Zhu's Series Courses of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Development. This course mainly explains the RTOS of AutoSar. First, we will interpret many features of OSEKOS line by line around the ISO17356-3 standard document. It includes task status and scheduling policy, priority, preemption, resource priority ceiling mechanism, Counter and Alarm mechanism, etc. Then, combined with the official AutoSar documents, we will explain the supplementary features of AutoSarOS, such as the scheduling mechanism, the support of MultiCore multi-core, stack monitoring and OS Application, and four protection mechanisms. After completing this course, you will have a deep understanding and mastery of AutoSarOS.

The most promising air outlet for ICV in the next decade. It comprehensively superimposes the development trends of electric vehicles replacing traditional fuel vehicles, automatic driving assistance or even replacing manual driving, traditional car cabins upgrading intelligent cabins, and domestic autonomous controllability of whole vehicles and parts and even the industrial chain.

AI IoT , cloud computing, big data, chips and semiconductors, operating systems 5G The "hard science and technology" that the country focuses on developing are closely related to ICV. Therefore, in addition to the traditional car enterprises, new forces like Weixiaoli have emerged and introduced Tesla Such catfish has attracted Chinese high-tech and Internet giants such as Huawei, Baidu, Dajiang and Xiaomi.

Compared with traditional cars, the biggest changes of ICV are: The core technology and competitive point of the whole vehicle have shifted from mechanical technology to computer technology. So from car companies to tire1 The upstream and downstream of the automotive industry chain have turned their attention to the research and practice of "on-board computers and related technologies".

Domain controller hypervisor , on-board Ethernet SOME/IP DoIP SOA AGL and QNX OTA C-V2X AutoSAR CP and AP ROS SLAM , laser radar, ultrasonic radar, millimeter wave radar, depth camera, sensor front fusion and rear fusion ADAS AR-HUD Intelligent driving algorithm, computing platform, Nvidia Xavier and Orin , Qualcomm Snapdragon eight thousand one hundred and fifty-five and Ride , Huawei MDC , Horizon Journey three And journey five MobileEye EyeQ5 TI TDA4 、  NXP S32G Wait a minute. The above lists the "keywords" that people who care about the automobile industry often see and hear. These are the key technologies needed to realize ICV, and are also the key technologies for auto industry workers to form industry competitiveness and try to understand and analyze the development trend of the industry.

But objectively, the technologies involved in ICV are complex, multi disciplinary, and deep in content, and these technologies themselves are developing rapidly, which leads to learning difficulties and fragmentation. For the traditional automobile industry "Old people" and "new people" who are interested in entering the smart car industry are all great obstacles and challenges, and they need solutions urgently.

This training camp and course system are designed to solve this problem. Through systematic courses, we will fully cover the "Car end" new technology (the keywords listed in the previous paragraph), control the depth, explain the relevant principles and concepts in simple terms, and analyze the development trend of related technologies. The ultimate goal is to hope that you can have a certain depth of understanding of the principles and related technologies of ICV, understand the product of ICV as a whole, have the ability to analyze and judge industry trends, and have the ability to communicate between upstream and downstream industries or between modules, so as to help you gain core competitiveness in ICV and help your personal development.

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