
Explanation of IT industry terms I

Quickly learn the common technical terms in the IT industry, and timely "check and fill gaps"

109 people study

intermediate 33 class hours Updated 2022/03/04

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 Zhao Yong
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Suitable for:

1. Junior, intermediate and senior software development engineers in IT industry 2. Project managers and technical managers of traditional IT companies or Internet companies 3. Reference learning courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students in colleges and universities

You will learn:

Quickly learn the common technical terms in the IT industry, and timely "check and fill gaps"

Course introduction:

[Course presentation form]: PPT courseware+explanation

[Course features]:

1) The course is rich in content, covering the relevant terms of project management, operation, network and other aspects in the IT industry

2) Explain the concept and application characteristics of professional terms in simple and easy to understand language, so that everyone can "quickly literacy", and lay a good foundation for becoming an excellent all-round IT talent

3) The content of this course is that the lecturer himself, based on his own work experience, specially summarizes the common and confusing IT industry terminology, which is also convenient for everyone to "check and fill gaps" in a timely manner

[Course advantages]:

The lecturer himself has formed his own unique learning system through 13 years of work experience in the first tier cities and 24 IT projects (project types include: software projects, Internet projects, system integration projects, information consulting planning projects). In order to facilitate everyone's learning, understanding and application, I have repeatedly considered and planned all course contents, My goal is to make my course content practical and operable! In the course, I will only explain the knowledge points commonly used in work and the knowledge points that may be applied. I will try not to talk about the knowledge points that are not commonly used!!! I hope it can help you, thank you!

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Course outline- Explanation of IT industry terms I

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