Learn QT course guidance from Mr. Zhu

The goal of this course is to have an overall understanding of Teacher Zhu's QT course, so as to facilitate the arrangement of personal systematic learning planning.

807 people study

primary 4 class hours Updated 2021/10/06

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

(1) Have understood and are learning the curriculum system of "Mr. Zhu AIoT lifelong growth big member" (2) I have learned Embedded Linux Core Course and Learning C++Series Courses from Teacher Zhu

You will learn:

The goal of this course is to have an overall understanding of Teacher Zhu's QT course, so as to facilitate the arrangement of personal systematic learning planning.

  • Understand the overall design and planning of teacher Zhu's QT course
  • Understand the core technical points and three development methods of QT learning

Course introduction:

This course is the first course in Part 0: Preface of Teacher Zhu's QT Complete Learning Series, which mainly introduces the basic information related to qt, the design ideas of the whole series of courses, and the planning of course content. It is hoped that you can quickly understand the core technical points of QT and the planning route of this course. It is convenient to purchase courses according to your own situation and arrange your own learning rhythm.

1. What are the advantages of QT

(1) Cross platform, supporting Windows, Linux and various embedded environments

(2) High efficiency and low resource occupation

(3) Good stability

(4) Long history and great industry influence

2. Why we should learn QT

(1) It is logical to master QT after learning C++

(2) Mastering QT can facilitate the development of various cross platform GUI programs, which is a valuable skill

(3) Many large-scale software are developed with qt, such as Autodesk Maya Google Earth,KDElibs、WPS Office

(4) QT is an excellent solution for embedded GUI, which has strong demand. For example: automobile dashboard, industrial control applications, medical electronics, handheld devices, etc

(5) Domestic operating systems such as Tongxin UOS and Kirin OS give priority to QT to develop applications

3. This course includes sections 0-5 of 6

Part 0: Preface

Part 1: Getting Started with QT

Part 2: Entrance of QT Widget

Part 3: QML and Qt Quick

Part 4: PyQt

Part 5: QT Project Practice

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Course outline- Learn QT course guidance from Mr. Zhu

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