Web automation project practice

Master how to conduct automated testing for web projects through project practice

15 people study

senior 11 class hours Updated on September 24, 2021

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1: Have some basic knowledge of python and master the basic knowledge of web automated testing 2: Students without programming experience 3: Want to improve yourself and have the foundation of functional testing 4: Blind learning and lack of guidance 5: Poor autonomy and lack of actual combat

You will learn:

Master how to conduct automated testing for web projects through project practice

Course introduction:

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This set of courses mainly focuses on web automated testing. The main contents are:

  1. Project test process

  2. Project Introduction

  3. Project architecture

  4. Use Case Design Principles

  5. Project Initialization

  6. Product search module test

  7. Login module test

  8. Shopping Cart Module Test

  9. Test report generation

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