Basic practical learning of C++

Learn C/C++programming

1153 people study

primary 137 class hours Updated on May 24, 2021

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Want to enter the program industry to learn C/C++

You will learn:

Learn C/C++programming

Course introduction:

1. This is a basic tutorial for beginners of C/C++. It is suitable for beginners who do not understand programs at all, and for those who are not familiar with half baked programs. Programs in other languages want to learn C++.
2. This is a series of C++basic tutorials. This season is the first episode of the basic tutorials. It is mainly for learning C language and laying a solid foundation for learning C++well. C++includes C parts. To learn C++well, learning C language well is an inevitable trend.
3. The series of C++tutorials is a process from simple to deep. The first and second episodes mainly study the C language and C++, and the last three episodes mainly teach you how to use C++to write and package some business level cases,. The third episode focuses on learning SOCKET programming, and getting familiar with socket programming. The fourth episode mainly learns to use C++custom database, written in pure C++ The fifth episode mainly studies the data structure and various standard template libraries of C++. If you are interested, you can learn the completed C++game server and MySQL database tutorial.
4. The series of C++tutorials is not only about grammar knowledge, but also about C/C++memory, memory optimization, experience often used in work, and avoiding some pitfalls.
5. The main content of this season's tutorial is to explain the programming language, computer composition principles, development environment, and C language basic syntax. Popularize some basic knowledge and explain some cases in combination with work experience. Some work tasks will be arranged for students after the tutorial. See the syllabus of the course for details

6. If you don't guarantee that everyone can learn it, don't buy it if you don't like it.

7. In combination with my 20 years of work experience, the tutorial will explain the areas that are often used in the work, as well as the areas that need attention in the novice entry interview. Lay a good foundation, learn C++well, go around the world without fear, believe in yourself, you can do it.

8. Each episode is separate and needs to be purchased separately. Oh, dear, please see clearly that each episode of the C++series is not necessary. The first and second episodes of novice friends must learn to buy. Remember Remember

9. If you need to contact the author of the tutorial, please leave a message in the student's answer to questions...

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