Oracle SQL Project Level Practical Guide Video Course Skills

Through multiple project integration business cases, we can guide you to deeply grasp the typical application of SQL in project practice, transfer a large number of project SQL practical experience, write the thinking habits, steps and strategies of complex SQL, as well as SQL application fields, and analyze and solve the problem process, ideas and skills.

6052 people study

intermediate 29 class hours Updated on February 13, 2015

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Software developers, solution designers, enterprise users

You will learn:

Through multiple project integration business cases, we can guide you to deeply grasp the typical application of SQL in project practice, transfer a large number of project SQL practical experience, write the thinking habits, steps and strategies of complex SQL, as well as SQL application fields, and analyze and solve the problem process, ideas and skills.

Course introduction:

Many people learn SQL by themselves and spend a lot of time, but the results are not obvious. I summarized four reasons

1. You can't learn SQL well without project requirements.

2. You can't learn SQL well without business.

3. It only focuses on the preparation and execution results of SQL, not on the design process and ideas.

4. They didn't develop a coherent thinking and coding habit in designing SQL.

For this reason, the curriculum has made targeted design in terms of content arrangement and teaching style

1. Based on the actual combat experience of more than 30 projects, the commonly used SQL knowledge points in the project are summarized, and efforts are made to explain all relevant knowledge points through some cases.

2. The understanding and application of key knowledge points will revolve around some comprehensive cases. Each comprehensive case corresponds to a relatively complete business scenario, which can be simply regarded as One project. Through targeted expansion of demand and business lines, Let some valuable new knowledge points be gradually excavated Let's create opportunities for students to learn SQL more deeply.

3. To help you summarize the application scenarios of some common and key SQL knowledge points in the project, so that you can complete this course, Students can obtain the previous requirements at one time The usage and practical experience of relevant knowledge points that can be contacted and accumulated only by participating in a large number of projects.

4. Instead of telling you the SQL implementation results of some requirements, we pay more attention to the transfer of process experience. For specific requirements, we start from scratch and start from simple When it comes to complexity, let's see it step by step. Focus on explaining the ideas and steps in the implementation process, as well as the problems encountered in the process, and show them to everyone Show me how to analyze and solve these problems, Let everyone in the process Learn more valuable knowledge and experience.

5. Help you summarize a set of effective routine steps for complex SQL design And thinking mode, so that when facing new demands and business scenarios, people can "follow the rules" and "draw inferences from one instance"

6. Summarize about 20 good coding styles and design habits that you are recommended to follow, so that you can grasp the quality of SQL writing at the beginning, and further develop Learn to lay a good foundation.

Applicable population

1. Software developers, especially some senior programmers with weak SQL skills, can gain the following benefits by learning this course

a. Make up for the lack of SQL skills, learn a variety of technical means to achieve, and improve development efficiency.

b. By writing and studying the SQL for obtaining complex business information, we can better understand the business rules of the project and the business relationship and data correspondence between database tables.

2. Solution designer

a. Knowing what SQL can do, what is suitable for, and what requirements can be achieved with one SQL can simplify the design scheme and expand the design idea.

b. For some common needs, we can design a more general, efficient, and extensible solution model, significantly reduce the development threshold and cost, and improve the efficiency and utilization of human resources. 3. If you are an enterprise user, I strongly recommend that you purchase this course as a training purpose for internal employees. This course can be said to be a solution for SQL learning, covering the common SQL usage and practical experience in project practice from simple to deep, and quickly improving the SQL of employees at all levels Ability.

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