
Qt based LibVLC professional development technology

Proficient in LibVLC audio and video development technology, and understand Qt related development technology.

3209 people study

senior 35 class hours Updated on February 24, 2021

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Suitable for:

It is suitable for programmers or college students who have some C++/Qt programming foundation and want to further improve or set foot in the audio and video industry.

You will learn:

Proficient in LibVLC audio and video development technology, and understand Qt related development technology.

Course introduction:

This video course uses Vs2015+Qt5.12.4+LibVLC3.0.8+OpenCv3 to completely introduce the development technology of LibVLC, and explains the principle and technology of real-time image processing in addition to audio and video operations. Improve the depth and breadth of knowledge for learners.

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Course outline- Qt based LibVLC professional development technology

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