[Prepare for 2023] System integration project management engineer exam: audition course

Learn the purpose and knowledge system of the certificate through learning this course. Learn the basic knowledge of system integration project management engineer, and be familiar with the basic situation of system integration project management engineer examination in combination with exercise analysis and real problem analysis over the years.

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primary 23 class hours Updated on July 27, 2022

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

It is suitable for students who want to take a quick entrance soft test, understand the purpose of the certificate and the system integration project management engineer course system.

You will learn:

Learn the purpose and knowledge system of the certificate through learning this course. Learn the basic knowledge of system integration project management engineer, and be familiar with the basic situation of system integration project management engineer examination in combination with exercise analysis and real problem analysis over the years.

Course introduction:

1、 Examination Introduction

Computer Technology and Software Professional Technical Qualification (Level) Examination (hereinafter referred to as Computer Software Qualification Examination). The computer software qualification examination is a national level examination led by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Its purpose is to scientifically and impartially conduct professional qualification, professional and technical qualification recognition and professional and technical level test for national computer and software professionals. The computer software qualification examination has 27 professional qualifications covering 5 professional fields and 3 levels (elementary, intermediate and advanced). The computer software qualification examination has been carried out nationwide for more than 20 years. In the past decade, the scale of the examination has continued to grow. Up to now, there are about five million applicants. Because of its authority and seriousness, the exam has been widely recognized by all sectors of society and employers, and has played an important role in promoting the development of the national information industry, especially in the development of software and service industries, and improving the quality and ability of various information technology talents.

According to the document (Guo Ren Bu Fa [2003] No. 39) issued by the former Ministry of Personnel and the former Ministry of Information Industry, the computer software qualification examination is included in the unified plan of the national professional and technical personnel professional qualification certificate system, and the examination method of unified outline, unified test questions, unified standards and unified certificates is implemented, which is held twice a year. The personnel who have passed the examination and obtained the certificate show that they have the level and ability to work in the corresponding professional posts. The employer can select the best of the personnel who have obtained the certificate to hire the corresponding professional technical posts (technician, assistant engineer, engineer, senior engineer) according to the work needs. After the national unified implementation of the computer software qualification examination, the qualification review for professional and technical positions in the corresponding majors and levels of computer technology and software will no longer be carried out. Therefore, computer software qualification examination is both a professional qualification examination and a professional title qualification examination. At the same time, the exam also has the nature of a level exam. No qualifications or qualifications are required to apply for any level. As long as you reach the corresponding professional and technical level, you can apply for the corresponding level.

Those who pass the examination will be issued with computer technology and software professional qualification (level) certificates stamped by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The certificate is valid nationwide.

——Information source: China Computer Technology Professional Qualification Network [Introduction to Computer Technology and Software Professional Qualification (Level) Examination]

2、 Validity of certificate

The soft test certificate is lifetime valid, and no further education or re registration is required. In September 2017, the country announced a new list of 140 professional qualifications, including the soft test. In response to the national policy on new professional qualifications, the soft test updated the certificate format.

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3、 Purpose and value of certificate

1. Professional title obtained: The soft exam is the only qualification exam in the computer industry that replaces professional title evaluation with examination: those who have passed the exam and obtained certificates show that they have the level and ability to work in corresponding professional posts, and no longer need to review professional and technical post qualifications, The employing unit may, according to the work needs, select the best from the personnel who have obtained the certificates to hire the corresponding professional and technical positions (technicians, assistant engineers, engineers, senior engineers), and may also enjoy the subsidies for retired middle and senior professional titles.

2. Priority Admission: When recruiting project managers, many enterprises give priority to those who hold high level certificates in the soft test. Many enterprises will organize employees to study and obtain certificates for the soft exam, and there will also be corresponding promotions, salary increases, bonuses and other benefits.

3. Point settlement and residence permit: Passing the intermediate professional title is helpful to apply for the Beijing work residence permit. Shanghai, Guangzhou and Tianjin points are settled: the Beijing work residence permit requires more than 2 years of work experience and a bachelor's degree or above, or a professional and technical title or equivalent qualification or qualification above the intermediate (including) level. In the settlement of Shanghai points, 140 points can be obtained at most in the soft test; Tianjin Intermediate obtains 40 points and Advanced 50 points; Guangzhou intermediate and advanced level earns 60 points. (The actual situation shall be subject to the current official policies of each region)

4. Talent introduction in first tier cities: Through senior professional titles, talents can be introduced and points can be bypassed. In the process of talent introduction of high-tech enterprises in the first tier cities, IT computer employees generally need senior professional titles to settle down.

5. Learning value: The original intention of the national soft exam is to train more IT technology+management talents for enterprises and the country, which is reflected in the content and form of the exam. Through multiple-choice questions, we examined our knowledge of IT technology, project management, laws and regulations, and also examined whether the examinees know enough about the industry. Through case questions and papers, we investigated our ability to tackle key problems in practice, project management, organization, expression and logical thinking.

4、 Passing rate of soft exam

The computer software qualification exam is not a competition. As long as the score exceeds the qualification standard, it can be qualified. There is no predetermined limit for the number of qualified people.

51CTO Soft Test has a professional soft test teaching and research team to help thousands of test takers prepare for the test and participate in the test. It has gained a good reputation. The reputation of students is the proof of our strength.

5、 Examination content

The soft test is divided into five professional categories: computer software, computer network, computer application technology, information system and information service, and the preliminary, intermediate and advanced professional qualification examinations are set in each professional category:


6、 Examination time

1. The soft test is held twice a year, in the first half of the year and the second half of the year. The examination time in the first half of the year is generally late May, and the examination time in the second half of the year is generally early November.

2. The soft test is divided into three levels: junior, middle and senior, including 27 test subjects such as software, network and application technology. Not all of these 27 subjects have examinations every year. Some subjects have examinations twice a year, some subjects have examinations once a year, and some subjects do not even arrange examinations.

7、 Examination question type

Elementary and intermediate: basic knowledge and applied technology

Advanced: comprehensive knowledge, case studies and papers

8、 Examination fee

Senior qualification: about 200 yuan

Intermediate qualification: about 170 yuan

Primary qualification: about 160 yuan (information processing technician 220 yuan)

Due to different regions and time of registration, the registration fees will be slightly different, and the local time will prevail.

9、 Examination pass criteria

The full score of each subject is 75 points, and if all subjects pass the pass line of 45 points, it is deemed that they have passed the exam.

10、 Registration time

Every year, the registration time for the soft test varies from region to region. In the first half of the year, registration starts from the end of February, and in the second half of the year, registration starts from the end of July.

11、 Examination registration conditions

There are no restrictions on soft test registration conditions. Candidates who meet the following requirements can register:

1. Anyone who abides by the Constitution and various laws of the People's Republic of China, scrupulously abides by professional ethics, and has certain computer technology application ability can, according to his own situation, register for the examination of the corresponding professional category and level;

2. Foreigners and professionals from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have been approved to work in the People's Republic of China may apply for the examination;

3. Candidates are not restricted by their educational background, major, seniority and age.

4. Candidates can choose the appropriate level and qualification according to their technical level, but only one qualification can be applied for at a time.

12、 No foundation, which subject is appropriate

The top items in the soft exam do not involve programming code. Most of the IT technical knowledge is conceptual, as long as we spend more time memorizing and reciting. These two subjects focus on the knowledge of project management, five process groups and ten knowledge fields. Project management is ubiquitous, so we must have no problem in understanding this knowledge.

13、 After intermediate level, I want to take an advanced level exam

1. If your intermediate level is software (such as software designer, software reviewer, etc.), it is recommended that you take the advanced test: system analyst, system architecture designer, information system project manager.

2. If your intermediate level is a network engineer (such as network engineer, information security engineer, etc.), I suggest you take the advanced exam: network planning designer, information system project manager.

3. If your intermediate level is management (such as system integration project management engineer, information system supervisor, etc.), it is recommended that you take the advanced examination: information system project manager, system planning and management engineer.

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