Linux System C Language Programming Basic Video Course

[What skills can be learned by learning this course] 1. Linux programming environment construction 2. Linux shell commands 3. Linux GCC compiler 4. Linux GDB debugger 5. C reserved words, variables, expressions 6. Statements 7. Functions 8. Program structure 9. Data structure and algorithm 10. Array, pointer, reference, structure, linked list and stack

53197 people study

primary 27 class hours Updated on May 30, 2017

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1. C language programming learner 2. Embedded development learner

You will learn:

[What skills can be learned by learning this course] 1. Linux programming environment construction 2. Linux shell commands 3. Linux GCC compiler 4. Linux GDB debugger 5. C reserved words, variables, expressions 6. Statements 7. Functions 8. Program structure 9. Data structure and algorithm 10. Array, pointer, reference, structure, linked list and stack

Course introduction:

Course objectives

[What skills can you learn from this course]

1. Linux programming environment construction

2. Linux shell command

3. Linux GCC compiler

4. Linux GDB Debugger

5. C reserved words, Variables, expression

6. Statement

7. Functions

8. Program structure

9. Data structure and algorithm

10. Array, pointer, reference, structure, linked list and stack

Suitable for:

[Who is suitable for this course]

1. C language programming learners

2. Embedded development learners

Learning conditions:

[What basic knowledge and conditions are required for learning this course]

1. Computer Foundation

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Course outline- Linux System C Language Programming Basic Video Course

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