Redis Database Foundation+Improving Practical Video Tutorial

Redis command and jedis code operation, Redis persistence technology, jedis connection pool and tool class

67 people study

primary 20 class hours Updated on August 14, 2020

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Java programmers who want to master the development of Redis database

You will learn:

Redis command and jedis code operation, Redis persistence technology, jedis connection pool and tool class

Course introduction:

Redis is a high-performance NOSQL series of non relational databases. With the rise of Internet web2.0 websites, traditional relational databases are unable to cope with large-scale and highly concurrent web2.0 websites, exposing many insurmountable problems. Non relational databases have developed very rapidly due to their own characteristics. NoSQL database is created to solve the challenges brought by large-scale data sets and multiple data types, especially the big data application problems.

This tutorial will explain the operation mode of Redis in detail, and select city examples through a static page drop-down menu, so that you can intuitively understand the development steps and implementation process of Redis, and gradually master some important knowledge and skills of Redis development in actual operation.

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Course outline- Redis Database Foundation+Improving Practical Video Tutorial

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