FFmpeg+Nginx+Rtmp+HLS+Videojs build live broadcast website (theory and practice)

Source code compilation Nginx+RTMP+HLS; Ffmpeg live streaming; Videojs webcast

4242 people study

primary 26 class hours Updated on October 21, 2020

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 Miss Mei
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Developers, operation and maintenance personnel, students

You will learn:

Source code compilation Nginx+RTMP+HLS; Ffmpeg live streaming; Videojs webcast

Course introduction:

Attention: Please pay attention to the recording and updating of this series of courses.
  This series of courses involves: FFmpeg, WebRTC,SRS,Nginx,Darwin,Live555, Etc. Including: audio and video, streaming media, live broadcast, Android, video monitoring 28181, etc.


New "Live broadcast principle and architecture" (2020.9.21)

Added "Resume Packaging and Interview Skills" (2020.10.11)

Project Introduction

Live video website It consists of three parts: one Streaming end two Server three Dragline end

L Build the environment by hand For streaming end ffmpeg Done,

The server is NGINX+RTMP Module completed,

Used at the draw end videojs /vlc Done.

Live broadcast architecture


Article directory structure

1.  Live broadcast principle and architecture

2.  FFmpeg+Nginx Live broadcast process

2.1.  build Nginx Live broadcast server,

2.2.  build VLC , live on-demand function

2.3.  build FFmpeg , live streaming

2.4.  build Videojs , live webcast

2.5.  Java+FFmpeg , live streaming

2.6.  Python+FFmpeg , live streaming

2.7.  C++/C+FFmpeg , live streaming

3.  Basic Theory of Audio and Video

3.1.  Introduction to Audio and Video

3.2.  What exactly is video?

3.3.  What is audio?

3.4.  What is a short video?

3.5.  Introduction to Digital TV


Audio and video is a very complex technology, involving many concepts, principles, and theories. Many beginners do not learn basic theories, but directly do projects, often seeing c/c++code Confused I don't know what the code means. Why?

Because I didn't learn the basic theory of audio and video, such as learning English, not learning basic words, but listening to English news every day, I never understood.

Therefore, we must carefully study the basic theory, and then learn about players, transcoders, non coding, live streaming media, video surveillance, and so on.

Miss Mei Engaged in audio, video and streaming media industry for 18 years Once in Yongxin Shibo, Zhongke Dayang, Baidu, Harris Broadcasting Division And other companies with rich experience; He personally led a full set of broadcast projects and was familiar with h.264/h.265/aac, and personally participated in practical products such as web player on Baidu app.

At present, we are committed to self entrepreneurship, mainly Focus on audio and video+streaming media industry , good at Popular products such as audio and video encryption, streaming media online transcoding and encoding

Autonomous learning websites are also under construction.

common problem:

Q: Can I learn to broadcast live and build the environment by myself?

Answer: Yes, as long as you follow the course, you can learn. Yes, Mr. Mei has been engaged in the audio-video and streaming media industry for 18 years, teaching you how to learn audio-video and enter the world of audio-video development. Mr. Mei has worked in Yongxin Shibo, Zhongke Dayang, Baidu, Harris Broadcasting Division of the United States and other companies with rich experience; He has personally led the whole set of broadcasting and television live broadcast projects; Autonomous learning websites are also under construction.

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Course outline- FFmpeg+Nginx+Rtmp+HLS+Videojs build live broadcast website (theory and practice)

  • Chapter 1 Live broadcast principle and architecture (28 minutes Section 2)

  • 1-1

    Live broadcast principle and architecture Live broadcast principle and architecture

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Live broadcast principle and architecture. pdf"

  • 1-2

    Dessert: Fuyou Academy -- resume packaging and interview skills Dessert: Fuyou Academy -- resume packaging and interview skills

    "Only for paying users" click to download "Fuyou Academy -- Resume Packaging and Interview Skills -- 51other. pdf"

  • Chapter 2 Build FFmpeg+Nginx live broadcast website (1 hour 48 minutes Section 11)

  • 2-1

    Live broadcast introduction and actual combat effect The live broadcast introduction and actual combat effect video live broadcast website consists of three parts: 1. streaming end 2. server 3. streaming end.  Streaming end is completed by ffmpeg,  Server is completed by NGINX+RTMP module, and  Streaming end is completed by videojs/vlc. Article directory structure 1. Live broadcast principle and architecture 2. FFmpeg+Nginx live broadcast process 2.1. Build Nginx live broadcast server, 2.2. Build VLC, live on-demand function 2.3. Build FFmpeg, live broadcast streaming 2.4. Build Videojs, live webcast 2.5. Java+FFmpeg, live broadcast streaming 2.6. Python+FFmpeg, live broadcast streaming 2.7. C++/C+FFmpeg, Live streaming 3. Basic theory of audio and video 3.1. Introduction to audio and video 3.2. What is video? 3.3. What is audio? 3.4. What is a short video? 3.5. Introduction to Digital TV

  • 2-2

    Source code installation of nginx and rtmp modules Source code installation of nginx and rtmp modules

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "51cto_FFmpeg+Nginx+rtmp+videojs+VLC to quickly build a webcast website - wm2.pdf"

  • 2-3

    Configure rtmp and hls We copy and paste the following configuration information into the configuration file information, and put it on the http configuration rtmp {# RTMP service server {listen 1935; #//service port chunk_size 4096; #//the size of the data transmission block application live1 {# This is the "live on"; #//video file storage location.} Application hls1 {# This is the "HLS Live On;" #//video file storage location. Hls on; hls_path/usr/local/ngingx/html/hls1; # Note: You need to manually create the/tmp/hls directory, mkdir - p/tmp/hls} application vod {# This is the "play on demand" play/opt/video/vod; #//video file storage location.}}}}

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "51cto_FFmpeg+Nginx+rtmp+videojs+VLC to quickly build a webcast website - wm2.pdf"

  • 2-4

    Ffmpeg live streaming Download address of FFmpeg building environment: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/FFmpeg Local file streaming ffmpeg - re - i ande10.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp:// Camera streaming ffmpeg - f dshow - i video="Integrated Camera" - vcodec libx264 - reset: v ultrafast - tune: v zeroness - f flv rtmp://

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "51cto_FFmpeg+Nginx+rtmp+videojs+VLC to quickly build a webcast website - wm2.pdf"

  • 2-5

    Videojs webcast Videojs webcast

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "51cto_FFmpeg+Nginx+rtmp+videojs+VLC to quickly build a webcast website - wm2.pdf"

  • 2-6

    VLC Introduction VLC Introduction

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio and Video Xiaobai - Common Tools for 2wm Audio and Video Development. pdf"

  • 2-7

    Introduction to FFmpeg Introduction to FFmpeg

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio and Video Xiaobai - Common Tools for 2wm Audio and Video Development. pdf"

  • 2-8

    Python+ffmpeg live streaming Python+ffmpeg live streaming

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "51cto_FFmpeg+Nginx+rtmp+videojs+VLC to quickly build a webcast website - wm2.pdf"

  • 2-9

    Java calls ffmpeg live streaming Ffmpeginx_1.8_Java calls ffmpeg live streaming

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "JavaFFmpegTest. rar"

  • 2-10

    Additional meal: build nginx live broadcast website under windows Ffmpeg nginx _1.9 -- Build nginx live broadcast website under windows

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "windows -- nginx -- rtmp -- http live broadcast -- 51other. pdf"

  • 2-11

    Additional meal: play http flv live stream using flv.js webpage Additional meal: play http flv live stream using flv.js webpage

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "ffmpegginx_1.10 -- play http flv live stream with flv.js webpage. rar"

  • Chapter 3 Basic concepts and theories of audio and video introduction (1 hour 57 minutes 13)

  • 3-1

    5G+audio and video 5G+audio and video

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

  • 3-2

    Puzzlement of audio and video self-study Puzzlement of audio and video self-study

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

  • 3-3

    What is a video What is a video

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

  • 3-4

    Color space RGB and YUV Color space RGB and YUV

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

  • 3-5

    What is audio What is audio

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

  • 3-6

    Channel code rate sampling rate Channel code rate sampling rate

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

  • 3-7

    Fundamentals of Video Coding Fundamentals of Video Coding

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Introduction to Audio Video Xiaobai -- What is 1wm Audio Video? Pdf"

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