[Xie Kunming] Vim Basic Course: 0 Basic Quick Start Vim

The learning curve of Vim is very steep. This course will take you up the hill quickly to learn how to use Vim

3098 people study

primary 11 class hours Updated on July 10, 2020

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 Teacher Xie Kunming
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  • Course Introduction
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Suitable for:

Children's shoes that can't use Vim editor at all

You will learn:

The learning curve of Vim is very steep. This course will take you up the hill quickly to learn how to use Vim

Course introduction:

1. Vim mouse cannot be used. Here is the answer.

2. The three modes of Vim are too complex. Here, you can understand them in simple terms, just like a fish in water.

3. How to save and exit Vim? After reading it, you will know.

Vim has a steep learning curve! This course takes you to climb the slope quickly and apply what you have learned.

This course does not provide learning materials

This course is a chapter of Familiarity with Linux Environment Development.


common problem:

Q: Is Vim hard to get started?

Answer: Getting started is not easy. This course takes you over the first threshold of entry.

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