Getting Started and Improving Visual Studio C++Debugging

Comprehensively master Visual Studio C/C++debugging technology and skills, and improve the ability to quickly locate and fix bugs

5353 people study

intermediate 23 class hours Updated on March 23, 2022

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Students who have basic knowledge of Visual Studio C/C++development, want to develop C/C++programs on Windows, and want to make breakthroughs in debugging skills and knowledge of Visual Studio

You will learn:

Comprehensively master Visual Studio C/C++debugging technology and skills, and improve the ability to quickly locate and fix bugs

  • Master the basic knowledge of Visual Studio C/C++debugging
  • Master the basic skills of Visual Studio C/C++debugging
  • Master advanced debugging skills of Visual Studio C/C++
  • Achieve the ability to quickly locate BUGs and quickly correct errors

Course introduction:

Have you often encountered these problems in the process of developing programs for Windows C/C++?

*The running result of the program is incorrect, but it is difficult to find the cause

*Multi thread deadlock, but it is difficult to find the problem

*The program runs for a long time, and the memory remains high

*Various memory problems, such as heap memory corruption, stack memory corruption, etc

*If it runs normally on its own machine, it will have problems on the tested machine

*The debug version runs normally, but it does not run normally after being released

*Occasionally, you need to fix Linux program bugs, but there is no Linux environment

*Occasionally, the program crashes, but the scene is not reserved, so there is no way to solve the problem

It doesn't matter. Through the study of this course, these problems will be solved! Green light all the way, farewell to overtime and staying up late!

Course introduction:

This is about Visual Studio C/C++debugging course, which mainly introduces the basic knowledge of Visual Studio C/C++debugging. Visual Studio Basic skills of C/C++debugging and advanced debugging skills of Visual Studio C/C++can quickly start, quickly practice, and achieve the ability to quickly locate bugs and quickly correct errors! Especially some advanced knowledge, such as memory leak, buffer overflow, heap memory destruction, deadlock, crash, etc., will definitely benefit you!

The corresponding source code and other relevant materials of the course can be found from

You can also download the handout and source code from the corresponding data area.

Course content:

Chapter I Introduction and Basics

1.1 Debugging basis - breakpoint - single step execution - change variable value

1.2 Breakpoint Management - Conditional Breakpoint - Multiple Execution - Skip Execution

1.3 Edit and Continue Debugging - Run to the Specified Code Line - View Error Codes

1.4 Memory view to optimize memory space

Chapter II Advanced Chapter

   2.1 Memory leak detection

2.2 Locating Heap Memory Corruption

2.3 Locating Heap Memory Corruption 2

2.4 Locating Buffer Overflow

2.5 Check various memory problems, heap overflow, stack overflow, wild pointer, etc

2.6 Setting Breakpoints Without Debugger

2.7 Hot and Tun Problems

Chapter III Actual Combat

3.1 Multi thread debugging

3.2 Dynamic library debugging

3.3 Remote Debugging Windows Programs

3.4 Remote Debugging Linux Programs

3.5 Crash Dump Analysis Deadlock Analysis

3.6 Crash Dump Analysis Crash Analysis

3.7 Debugging Release and Debugging Multiple Programs Simultaneously


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Course outline- Getting Started and Improving Visual Studio C++Debugging

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