Use C # NET+OpenGL Developing Interactive CAD System

Use VC # NET combined with OpenGL to develop a small interactive CAD system with complete functions from scratch.

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senior 58 class hours Updated on November 13, 2019

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

College students, graduate students, programmers, programming enthusiasts.

You will learn:

Use VC # NET combined with OpenGL to develop a small interactive CAD system with complete functions from scratch.

Course introduction:

This course uses VC # NET combined with OpenGL to develop a small interactive CAD system with complete functions from scratch.

The author has experience in developing interactive CAD systems and dynamic geometry systems. Published books on interactive CAD system development.

The course starts with preparatory knowledge, and then introduces the development ideas and main technologies of the whole system. The whole system is divided into eight versions, starting with simple drawing, gradually adding functions, and explaining step by step. The explanation of knowledge points is detailed and systematic.

The core of the course is the source code. Please download the source code of this chapter before learning each chapter. It is suggested to read and analyze the source code by yourself first, and then go to class with questions, so that the learning efficiency is relatively high and the effect is better.

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Course outline- Use C # NET+OpenGL Developing Interactive CAD System

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