[High level actual combat] High level operator big data real-time analysis project

1. Obtained nearly 20 hours of Spark senior development engineer courses 2. Obtained 1 large project and 4 subprojects with complete source code

394 people study

intermediate 50 class hours Updated on October 18, 2019

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1. Students with java foundation 2. Students with big data foundation 3. Students with spark foundation

You will learn:

1. Obtained nearly 20 hours of Spark senior development engineer courses 2. Obtained 1 large project and 4 subprojects with complete source code

Course introduction:

The Spark Development Engineer course aims to help students gain valuable project experience that can be written on their resumes. The course explains each link of the project. The course covers project business introduction, technology selection and architecture design, project architecture evolution, mobile phone end to server data process, log collection design and requirements, log collection topology, online and local cluster resource planning, project whole process development, project summary, and 21 questions of project interview. The content of the project is relatively rich. Students with zero foundation can learn from the foundation, and those with foundation can directly choose to learn from the project.

Course features

1. The course can be explained live with pay

2. Course teachers can receive one-on-one tutoring

3. Course teacher WeChat: john_1125

Technical description

1. Development language: Java, Scala

2. Development tool: IDEA

3. Main technologies: Hadoop2.6 Zookeeper-3.4.6、Flume1.8、HBase1.2.6、Kafka_2.11-1.0.0、Spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.6

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Course outline- [High level actual combat] High level operator big data real-time analysis project

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