Fundamentals of C++Programming

People interested in programming

820 people study

primary 26 class hours Updated on September 25, 2019

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

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People interested in programming

Course introduction:

C++Programming Foundation is a general education course for science and engineering majors, including computer foundation, programming and basic data structure knowledge. Its purpose is to cultivate students' computing thinking ability and basic programming ability, and lay a solid foundation for future application of computer programming in combination with their majors. This course uses C++language as the teaching language.

This course requires the ability to use modern tools to solve problems. Be able to develop, select and use appropriate computer technology, computer resources and information resources for relevant problems in reality, calculate, predict and simulate the solved problems, and understand their limitations.

Through the understanding of the Internet+era and big data era, cultivate the ability of lifelong learning. Have the awareness of independent learning and lifelong learning, and the ability to constantly learn and adapt to development. Consciously cultivate computing thinking, improve computer application ability and the ability to analyze and solve problems with computers.


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Course outline- Fundamentals of C++Programming

  • Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of C++Programs (1 hour 46 minutes 6 sections)

  • 1-1

    Preliminary procedure 1 This course mainly introduces the basic framework and elements of program, programming language, program design and program

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Preliminary program. pptx"

  • 1-2

    Preliminary procedure 2 This lecture mainly introduces the basic framework and basic statements of the sequential program: input statements, assignment statements and output statements

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Preliminary program. pptx"

  • 1-3

    Data types and variables This lesson mainly introduces the variables and data types of the program

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Data type and variable. pptx"

  • 1-4

    Operators and Expressions 1 This course mainly introduces the basic concepts of operators and expressions of the program, as well as the priority and associativity, and introduces the rules of arithmetic operations and self increasing and self decreasing operations

  • 1-5

    Operators and Expressions 2 This lesson mainly introduces the rules of program assignment operation, relational operation and logical operation

  • 1-6

    Operators and Expressions This course mainly introduces the basic concepts of operators and expressions of the program, as well as the priority and associativity, and introduces the rules of arithmetic operation and self increasing, self decreasing, assignment, relational and logical operation

    Click "Operator and Expression. pptx" to download "Only for paying users"

  • Chapter 2 Program control structure (1 hour and 27 minutes 6 sections)

  • 2-1

    Basic syntax of branch process control statement This lecture mainly introduces the syntax definition format, characteristics and application examples of single branch, double branch and multi branch in conditional branch structure

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "Basic syntax of branch process control statement. pptx"

  • 2-2

    Branch Statement Instance Application This lecture mainly introduces simple examples of conditional branch statements, nested applications of if branch structures, and explanation of comprehensive application examples

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "Branch statement instance application. pptx"

  • 2-3

    Simple cycle 1 This lecture mainly introduces the cycle structure and basic concepts of the program

  • 2-4

    Simple cycle 2 This lesson mainly introduces three kinds of loop statements of C++programs: while statement, do while statement, and for statement

  • 2-5

    Simple cycle 21 This lecture mainly introduces three kinds of loop statements of C++programs: while statement, do while statement, and for statement

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Simple cycle 21. pptx"

  • 2-6

    Nested loop 21 This lesson mainly introduces the design method of double nesting and nesting of C++programs

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Nested loop 21. pptx"

  • Chapter 3 Arrays and pointers (1 hour and 3 minutes 5 sections)

  • 3-1

    One dimensional array and two-dimensional array This lecture mainly introduces the functions of one-dimensional array and two-dimensional array. When can we consider using one-dimensional array and when should we consider using two-dimensional array. How to define one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays, and how to access the elements of one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays.

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "One dimensional array and two-dimensional array. pptx"

  • 3-2

    Character array This lesson mainly introduces the particularity of character array compared with non character array, and how to use character array to store and represent strings.

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Character array. pptx"

  • 3-3

    Relationship between array and pointer This lecture mainly introduces why to use pointer variables, the definition of pointer variables, how to use pointers to access memory indirectly, and the relationship between pointer variables and arrays, the twin brothers.

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Relationship between array and pointer. pptx"

  • 3-4

    Search algorithm This lecture mainly introduces the common application of arrays - search, the most commonly used algorithms in search algorithms - sequential search and half search, and their respective characteristics.

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Search algorithm. pptx"

  • 3-5

    Sorting algorithm This lecture mainly introduces the common application of arrays - sorting. There are many sorting algorithms. This lecture mainly describes the two most simple and practical sorting algorithms - selective sorting and bubble sorting.

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "sorting algorithm. pptx"

  • Chapter 4 function (1 hour and 14 minutes 5 sections)

  • 4-1

    Function definition This lecture describes the importance of function design in program design from the question of why functions are needed and what is function introduction. It focuses on how to customize functions and the use of return statements in functions.

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Function Definition. pptx"

  • 4-2

    Function call and declaration This lecture mainly describes the meaning and basic methods of function call, and gives the meaning of function declaration and the position of function declaration statements.

    "Only for paying users" Click to download "Function call and declaration. pptx"

  • 4-3

    Function parameter transfer This lesson describes the importance of parameter transfer in functions and the characteristics and differences between value transfer and address transfer.

    Click "Only for paying users" to download "Function parameter transfer. pptx"

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